4 years ago
Paramour 2 - Liara
I just finished Mass Effect 2 (Legendary Edition) on PS4 with an imported saved from Mass Effect 1. My Romance option in ME1 was Liara, so in ME2 I decided to rekindle the romance during the Lair of ...
Why this wasn't fixed is beyond me. It's exactly things like this that irk me about MELE.
If you want to be a normal person and stay with the same romance interest for the trilogy, you have no way of getting all three achievements on a single playthrough...
Kaidan, Ashley, Liara: no ME2 romance; Tali, Miranda, Jack, Thane, Garrus: no ME1 romance; Jacob is ME2 only; and Traynor & Cortez are ME3 only... Liara would have been the only option for this if they enabled the achievement flag for LotSB.
Edit: Does anyone know if staying with Jack or Miranda grants an achievement in ME3? I've never done that, but I'm planning on being with Jack on my male Shepard playthrough on PC.
As far as I know, Jack and Miranda do give the achievement in ME3. Only Diana Allers and the Citadel one offs (Samara, Javik and James) do not grant the achievement.