Forum Discussion
LOL and I want an option to have more lights... getting old, can hardly see the dark areas...
- EgoMania8 years agoSeasoned Ace
@VladVonCastein wrote:
LOL and I want an option to have more lights... getting old, can hardly see the dark areas...
It depends on where you are. In some places it's just way too dark but the lighting they use is very harsh and unpleasant. It's particularly odd when you go inside a structure and you peer into darkness before going in and you have to take 3 steps inside before suddenly there's normal lighting inside.
Also going outside, particularly some caves also, it's like somebody just puts a high powered beam on you...take 3 steps through and it normalises again.
And in a lot of places like the Tempest and the Nexus, the lighting is often different or harsh and the character models of your character but also npc's around you have really poor graphics.
There is just so much wrong with the graphics which comes down to character model quality and lighting. I can totally understand the OP when it comes to the flashlight but it's just a small part of a larger issue in my view.
It's interesting because in some areas the lighting is good and the characters look a ton better. Also some of the improvements they've made in the game since release do make a difference but it's not enough yet. If they keep it up though future playthroughs will become more enjoyable. Just a shame the game had to be released in the state it did, causing it to be a LOT less succesful than it could've been if they'd stuck to their normal quality level.
- 8 years ago
@EgoMania wrote:
@VladVonCastein wrote:
LOL and I want an option to have more lights... getting old, can hardly see the dark areas...
It depends on where you are. In some places it's just way too dark but the lighting they use is very harsh and unpleasant. It's particularly odd when you go inside a structure and you peer into darkness before going in and you have to take 3 steps inside before suddenly there's normal lighting inside.
Also going outside, particularly some caves also, it's like somebody just puts a high powered beam on you...take 3 steps through and it normalises again.
My guess is that there are one of two reasons for this (or both), one is that this is done to make the transition between indoor and outdoor lighting shaders blend better, which is not easy to do in open world-spaces if you want to have a really dark interior set up in a really bright outer world-space and vise versa, the other reason is that is quite normal in real life that the eyes will need a second or two to adjust when you enter a dark room after having just been in a bright one, so it is just one way of simulating this 🙂
- EgoMania8 years agoSeasoned Ace
TECHound wrote:My guess is that there are one of two reasons for this (or both), one is that this is done to make the transition between indoor and outdoor lighting shaders blend better, which is not easy to do in open world-spaces if you want to have a really dark interior set up in a really bright outer world-space and vise versa, the other reason is that is quite normal in real life that the eyes will need a second or two to adjust when you enter a dark room after having just been in a bright one, so it is just one way of simulating this 🙂
The thing is, often the interior isn't that dark, it just is walking in and as soon as you take those steps in the area lights up again. It would make sense if the inside was actually dark but that's not the case.
And well in real life your eyes may need adjustment but if you walk into your house on a normal sunny day, you wouldn't expect the first two steps into your house to be almost complete darkness either, especially if the inside of the house is light as well.
So I get your points but they do not apply here, the light/darkness difference is just too big.