Sims’ Interior Not Resetting & Stolen Furniture Disappearing
Hello, I’d like to report two bugs I’ve encountered in “MySims” Cozy Bundle on Nintendo Switch.
First, when a Sim moves out of the town, their interior doesn’t always reset as expected. Any changes I made to their house, such as adding or removing furniture or decorations, remain unchanged. This can result in a messy interior, as everything I altered stays in place and doesn’t disappear when they leave.
Secondly, when I “steal” furniture from other Sims' houses and place it in my own, the furniture sometimes disappears after I save and reload the game. For example, I took Penelope's bed, placed it in my house, had her move out, and after playing for a while, I saved and exited the game. Upon returning, the bed was gone. This has happened multiple times, and each time, Penelope’s interior wasn’t fully reset, leaving her house in disarray with the changes I initially made still in place.
I’m currently playing with the latest game update. Thank you for your time and attention to these issues.
Heya @Throawag04781847
The second issue (and possibly the first as well) should no longer be occurring after the Jan 29th patch.
Please let me know if you continue to see this in game after updating 🙂