Forum Discussion
62 Replies
Product: NBA Live Mobile
Platform:Android Phone
Summarize your bug The same problems 1. thay take amblems of last mounthly master, 2. Dont funktion live pass premium
How often does the bug occur? Often (50% - 99%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Your advisor will finished the problems with bags
What happens when the bug occurs? Dont function, Im spend a many but not function
What do you expect to see? Solution to finished advisor with that problems
Pls halp me it make me to fell frustiring, I play nba love mobil 5 years and spend many in that games
I have same problem. Please EA fix it
You haven’t updated us since Thursday . This is still a consistent problem . I have paid for the premium pass and can’t even earn the rewards for playing. Not to mention spending live tickets to earn more levels and not getting any rewards .... can we get it together EA this is the reason I quit buying madden and playing your mobile games. There are a lot of dissatisfied customers on this issue here !!
Based on the posts in this thread and the comments in my league chat, the inability to unlock league pass rewards continues to be a common problem. Could you please re-engage with the developers to see if you can get an update on this issue? It's very clear that people would like to know when this issue might be resolved, and if they will be compensated for points they were unable to accrue while the app was malfunctioning.
Thank you.
Update 3/8 for live pass standard reward now working, no compensation, but live pass premium still persist. Now my progress live pass standard at 600 and premium at 400?!?*#
Update 3/10
The issue has fixed, i hope that happen to all, and not occure again
- @EA_Blueberry I had paid for unlock token+bonus during the 1st hour it become available, but it is not unlocked even 20 hours after payment.
This bug is repeating second time. 1st in March, now in April !!! - EA_Blueberry4 years ago
Community Manager
Have you tried restarting your device or re-installed the app to see if that helps push it through to your account? Re-installing the app re-syncs the game with the servers. As long as you're not playing on guest mode you won't lose your progress. hey I know yous have a lot on your hands with bugs glitches technical difficulty.. During rebirth campaign with some players including me listing afeq such as 73 ovr gordon hayward, 72 ovr Christian Woods & 73 ovr Derrick Rose. I am now missing these players from accidentally quick selling them on auction and by so how would you reverse that I thought you can't even sell campaign players so why did it let me. I should have the option of getting all my players back I might just quit cuz Ive been grinding so long and its for nothing if I can't obtain the coach kerr.. I guess I'm going to have to quit this game even after all the money I spent be because no will help me solve this issue so its pointless ill never be able to get the coach kerrr emblem but yah rant over [Removed - CM]
Spent about 500 and they can't fix the campaign because I know I'm not the only one to miss out on that content. If we didn't have to level them up then it would of probably bin better overall for everyone
- EA_Blueberry4 years ago
Community Manager
I removed your User ID, do not share that publicly on the forums. That is personal info to help maintain account security.
Are you able to find Christian Woods on the Auction House?
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