9 years ago
blackridge rivals
is anyone else having trouble with these races? i seem to have lost just as many as ive won and more often than not if you "just" win a race you gain less points than you lose if you "just" lose a ra...
@THEJAJO Thats the * EA's been giving to us. And also, WHO decided the top 200 leaderboard in rivals if the update was just launched? They cant be this fast to reach #1 or probably they have no life.
@vipucho wrote:
@THEJAJO Thats the * EA's been giving to us. And also, WHO decided the top 200 leaderboard in rivals if the update was just launched? They cant be this fast to reach #1 or probably they have no life.
@vipucho Actually this is very possible. All you need is some real money and with real money you will be the fastest in the game. People have been maxing out SE cars on the first day of the event buy dumping tonnes of gold for this very purpose. The only other option would be to start playing from since launch and maxing out everything in your path. I believe this is what @TheRealJony did.
The event is really nice, I like it, however I'm getting more frustrated than satisfied playing the game. It is not giving me such pleasure as before.
There is to many traffic, in the places you won't expect it.
The opponents usually have better cars, from higher classes, which in fact are unbeatable, even when you drive super-clear, almost perfect.
The most frustrating is when police roadblock stop you and the ghost opponent drive throw.
The jumps - you are flying right into the bridge, high, high away.
@scottfollett wrote:
the ppl at the top obviously bought the CCX blueprints for 130 CANADIAN currency! Not a chance of me doing that!
@scottfollett I don't spend any money on No Limits (like I always keep saying that around here) and I'm at the top of the leaderboard. 👿
@AngelaBinks wrote:
@richieluv76 wrote:
i can understand the "ghost" races, as those races are in escence a time trial type race and the "ghost" image is to show what/how your opponent raced, ive got issues with the fact that i dont seem to progressing
Same here. Whenever I get close to 2800 SP, I'll somehow lose to anyone with a lower score without even making any mistakes. They either have a ridiculous acceleration or capable of doing a perfect line. In the end I don't find this to be of any difference than the tournament.
@AngelaBinks Your opponents look like they have ridiculous acceleration, but they kept their speed high with minimal speed loss on corners in reality.
There is a partial difference between Blackridge Rivals and Tournaments.
Blackridge Rivals = Racing against ghosts of real players (Not live real players)
Tournaments = Racing against AIs
@GabeLogan100 wrote:
@vipucho wrote:
And the other problem is, the opponent goes in a "ghost mode", so we are unable to ram it into the wall or whatever.
Bloody good point my friend.
@GabeLogan100 I hope you don't really ram real players in Multiplayer races because you would be sent to heaven by me if you do IF Multiplayer races ever do come to No Limits.
@scottfollett wrote:
Are u racing the CCX at 989 or a LaFerrari at 981?
Do you mean someone's own car or an opponents' car?
If you mean opponents' car, then there's no way to see their PR in Blackridge Rivals.
@THEJAJO wrote:
From my point of view the conclusion is only one - pay to win.
So I'm going to lose, some of races. 😉
@THEJAJO I have never spent any money in No Limits, yet I'm in the Top 10 of the leaderboards. 😛
@richieluv76 wrote:
what i'd like to know is how can a 989 ccx without making any mistakes lose to a viper
@richieluv76 Simple.
You lost a lot more speed during cornering than the opponent with the SRT Viper GTS.
@AngelaBinks wrote:
@richieluv76 wrote:
what i'd like to know is how can a 989 ccx without making any mistakes lose to a viper
@richieluv76 Trust me. It happens, and it happends a lot. SPs or PRs are indicative only. The game will automatically 'adjust' the true power of your opponents once it finds you embarking on a winning streak.
Well...I can say otherwise.
So far, I had wiped the floor of my opponents in the majority of the races I did. 👿
@THEJAJO wrote:
@AngelaBinks wrote:
@THEJAJO Someone on Reddit posted this. A 981PR LaFerrari loses to a R35. Notice how insanely fast it accelerates. See it for yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/nfsnolimits/comments/544m60/is_anyone_else_encountering_this_impossibly_fast/
Cheat? ;|
Yea, it's obviously a cheater.
That player was obviously using third-party programs (a.k.a. cheats) to have that impossible rocket launch.
Now I hope the game doesn't choose that player (or any cheaters for that matter) for me to race.
@vipucho wrote:
@THEJAJO Thats the stuff EA's been giving to us. And also, WHO decided the top 200 leaderboard in rivals if the update was just launched? They cant be this fast to reach #1 or probably they have no life.
@vipucho EA or Firemonkeys didn't choose me to be in the Top 200 leaderboard.
I chose to be in the Top 200 leaderboard myself. 😉
And I do have a life. It doesn't take more than 10 minutes to do 5 Rival races after each refill.
@AngelaBinks wrote:
@THEJAJO Told you....And people have been saying that there's an equally fast 458 out there too. Watch out....I guess....Like I said the whole rivals system sucks. The SP ratings are indicative only and a lot of times you don't get to race an opponent of the same league.
Thanks for the heads up. Although we really can't avoid cheaters if the game chooses cheaters as our opponents. 😞
I completely agree that Blackridge Rivals systems sucks.
I mostly get opponents that have WAY lower SP than me. The gain for winning is less than 10 points and the loss for losing is more than 30 points.
Absolutely ludicrous!
I want to choose to race opponents that have a higher SP than me, so I can gain more SP for defeating them.
@AngelaBinks wrote:
@vipucho wrote:
@THEJAJO Thats the * EA's been giving to us. And also, WHO decided the top 200 leaderboard in rivals if the update was just launched? They cant be this fast to reach #1 or probably they have no life.
@vipucho Actually this is very possible. All you need is some real money and with real money you will be the fastest in the game. People have been maxing out SE cars on the first day of the event buy dumping tonnes of gold for this very purpose. The only other option would be to start playing from since launch and maxing out everything in your path. I believe this is what @TheRealJony did.
Let me make some corrections here...
You don't need real money to be on the top of the leaderboard. And I'm the proof. 😉
You're completely right about playing No Limits from the beginning. It does help to play from the beginning to upgrade all cars for anything the game throws at us. (Blackridge Spirit special events, Blackridge Rivals, etc.)
@THEJAJO wrote:
The event is really nice, I like it, however I'm getting more frustrated than satisfied playing the game. It is not giving me such pleasure as before.
There is to many traffic, in the places you won't expect it.
I gotten trolled by traffic so many times, causing me to lose 30 + points whenever it happens. I can emphasize with that.
@THEJAJO wrote:
The opponents usually have better cars, from higher classes, which in fact are unbeatable, even when you drive super-clear, almost perfect.
Unless you're not driving a Koenigsegg CCX or Ferrari LaFerrari, all opponents ARE beatable.
@THEJAJO wrote:
The most frustrating is when police roadblock stop you and the ghost opponent drive throw.
The "ghost" opponents do hit cop roadblocks if they driven through them in reality. It's just looks like they taken no speed loss as they were going at a high speed before hitting.
I collided with cop roadblocks many times at a high speed (430 km/h +) and I was still going fast (my speed dropped to 380 km/h).
@THEJAJO wrote:
The jumps - you are flying right into the bridge, high, high away.
I really hate that!
It happened to me once and that really exploded my RAGE!
Lost 30 + points instantly!!!
Now, these last parts of my post are for everyone here.
The game has become much more unstable with the latest update and the game could crash at anytime, especially during a Blackridge Rival race.
To avoid the game from crashing on your face, do these:
1. Launch the game and go straight to Blackridge Rivals. Do 2-3 races. Afterwards, close the game and launch it again. Repeat until all Rival tickets are used.
2. If already in game, close the game and launch it again. Then follow step 1.
You'll always need a fresh launch whenever you attempt to do Blackridge Rival races. I'm pretty sure you don't want the game to crash on you during a Blackridge Rival race and causing you to lose valuable SP in the process.
Here's some tips on how to win Blackridge Rival races (without giving my driving technique away 😉 ):
1. Always get Perfect Launch. (Obviously if you don't, then your chances on winning is much lower. However, it's still possible to win without a Perfect Launch though.)
2. Keep your speed high as much as you can.
3. Manage to have minimal speed loss during cornering.
If you do all of these correctly, then you would have no problem winning Blackridge Rival races. But if you want to know how I win my races, then the game must choose me as your opponent and you can see my magic in the race.
Good luck everyone!
P.S. I'm in a YouTube video! Go to 11:34.
@TheRealJonyI'm driving maxed Viper and believe me, to win with CCX or LaFerrari, which in fact they are 95% of opponents, is a 100% luck +skills. 😉
That's why I'm going to stop taking care of the event. 😉
Rivals is tough and takes some getting used to... pretty annoying a lot of the time, particularly when it's almost impossible to see where the cop cars are parked in blockades before it's too late. Problem is you only get one pass at the race, so you can't 'retry', which would allow you to map out where the gaps are between cop cars and improve your times.
Very little information is given about how Blackridge Rivals works. Would be great if EA explained the rules of engagement better and how the scoring works. Are you supposed to pick the fasted car in your garage, or does the even adjust according to the car you select?
I was hoping blackridge would give us an opportunity to drive whichever car we want and then compete against the same cars or class of cars. Gets a bit much only driving the CCX... much prefer my McLaren, Lambo or Pagani. If the mechanics of blackridge were explained better, there wouldn't be so much confusion about how it actually works.
Why aren't they publishing what the 'rewards' are? Or are they still deciding?
Hi there,
I thought there might be quite an uproar during and after the weekend, and how right I was 😃
Same issues with Blackridge Rivals here, namely:
- many different ( = unknown) races, sometimes with too much bells and whistles (like night, airborne race and ESF alltogether? How can one actually try anything in 20sec race?)
- perfect start is a must, otherwise you can only get lucky if opponent errs, as you cannot draft nor ram him
Basically, I see it as a coin toss, I like those races, though they may get frustrating very often. But so what? I don't care much about the leaderboard, you get daily award for completing three races, so you don't need to win them, and after an hour there is another ticket ;-) And there is no other place in the game where you see all your mistakes that clearly (and painfully).
Be nice. Personal attacks will land you a ban.
Well, I take back what I said about Blackridge Rivals.
It totally sucks.
I have two reasons why it sucks:
1. Match-making is broken. - People get match-maked with an opponent with a much lower SP than them, meaning they gain so little SP if they win and they lose so much SP if they lose.
Absolutely ridiculous. (The least amount of points I won was 3 points and the biggest amount of points I lost was 55 points.)
2. The game penalizes people if the game crashes on them.
How Blackridge Rivals could be better:
1. People get match-maked with opponents that have almost as much SP as them to make things even.
2. The game should allow people to choose who they want to race with. For example, the game picks a set of opponents at random and people can have the option to choose who they want to race with.
3. The game distinguishes between a game crash and a retire for incomplete races.
4. Different Blackridge Rivals classes - Street class, Classic Sports class, Muscle class, Sports class, Super car class, and Hyper car class.
People can mostly drive what they want in each class instead of being restricted to drive only the fastest cars in the game. (But people may still need to drive the fastest cars in each class though)
I said earlier that I would like Multiplayer races in No Limits. Now, I take that back too.
After playing Blackridge Rivals races a lot, I would say Multiplayer races in No Limits would just be a mess.
Everyone would just be driving the fastest cars (for each class) to win the race, meaning people can't drive their favourite cars and win the race. The races are so short that people driving their favourite cars can hardly catch up to someone in the fastest car if they made a mistake. It would probably be too late to overtake them.
The game is better off being as a online Single Player game in my opinion.
I waited until I'm at the top of the Blackridge Rivals leaderboard to post this as I don't want people to think I don't want Multiplayer races because I suck at Multiplayer racing.
@THEJAJO wrote:
@TheRealJonyI'm driving maxed Viper and believe me, to win with CCX or LaFerrari, which in fact they are 95% of opponents, is a 100% luck +skills. 😉
That's why I'm going to stop taking care of the event. 😉
@THEJAJO Do you have a Koenigsegg CCX or Ferrari LaFerrari? If so, what are the PRs?
@scottfollett wrote:
Think u should check the list again cause ure not in the top 10 now...ppl have started converting the hyper parts and you will now see even faster CCX's...the only way to compete is to upgrade...
@scottfollett You posted 5 hours later after I posted.
You do know that the leaderboard can change during those 5 hours, right?
Anyways, I'm back in the Top 10 again (at the time I posted this). Look down below.
@scottfollett wrote:
So what are u driving? The LaFerrari or the CCX and at what PR @TheRealJony?
I used to drive my Koenigsegg CCX, but now I'm driving my Ferrari LaFerrari.
My cars' PRs are below.
@WildeKnight07 wrote:
Very little information is given about how Blackridge Rivals works. Would be great if EA explained the rules of engagement better and how the scoring works. Are you supposed to pick the fasted car in your garage, or does the even adjust according to the car you select?
@WildeKnight07 You're supposed to pick your fastest car you have for Blackridge Rivals. It's mentioned in the Top 200 leaderboard.
Match-making is broken in Blackridge Rivals, so you'll probably get a Ford Fiesta ST vs. Koenigsegg CCX if you choose to drive a Fiesta ST. lmao
The video I posted earlier proves how broken the match-making is.
@WildeKnight07 wrote:
I was hoping blackridge would give us an opportunity to drive whichever car we want and then compete against the same cars or class of cars. Gets a bit much only driving the CCX... much prefer my McLaren, Lambo or Pagani.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
I would definitely want Blackridge Rivals to have different classes, so we aren't forced to drive only the fastest cars in the game. (But we still have to drive the fastest cars in each class though)
@TheRealJony - lol, seems the fun from Blackridge Rivals didn't really last long, right? Or is it just because you are now too results oriented due to your leaderboard position that you are so furious? I mean, your issues are not with the actual races but with the rewards and matchmaking... Staying at the top is always hard and always harder than to get there. I can imagine game engine does not want you to face the same few opponents over and over, so I guess they may limit 1 race per opp and day, for example - which leaves you with more than a half of your races with weaker opponents, where the reward is small but the cost of an error is great.
An error in a short race is fatal, yet longer races won't solve that, as the only chance of getting back at the opponent after a mistake is that he makes a mistake too (funny to trail the ghost image and see it run into the wall at the outer wall, for example).
@TheRealJony - oh, and forgot kudos to you for getting that far even with those cars of yours, that leaves lot to be desired when speaking about upgrades. I've got maxed out CCX (that is, it was maxed out before the update, PR994, which now dropped to 989) and still losing a fair share of my scarce BR races, as I do make mistakes (and getting perfect start only about 1 out of 2).
I have not even got a Legendary car maxed out, well I did until they added another bloody 70 to my Lambo but I have only justranked up past the 3000 mark with my Maccie.
@GabeLogan100 wrote:
@vipucho wrote:
And the other problem is, the opponent goes in a "ghost mode", so we are unable to ram it into the wall or whatever.
Bloody good point my friend.@The RealJony wrote:
@GabeLogan100 I hope you don't really ram real players in Multiplayer races because you would be sent to heaven by me if you do IF Multiplayer races ever do come to No Limits.
If it was Multiplayer versus each other like in any other gaming competition wouldn't that be the point, to hinder your opponents ability to beat you? Or is this the Marquis of Queensbury rules gone crazy....?