9 years ago
blackridge rivals
is anyone else having trouble with these races? i seem to have lost just as many as ive won and more often than not if you "just" win a race you gain less points than you lose if you "just" lose a ra...
@HeretikJirka wrote:
@TheRealJony - lol, seems the fun from Blackridge Rivals didn't really last long, right? Or is it just because you are now too results oriented due to your leaderboard position that you are so furious? I mean, your issues are not with the actual races but with the rewards and matchmaking...
@HeretikJirka It's both actually.
I forgot to mention cheaters in my previous post.
The game could match-make me with a cheater and I would be forced to race a cheater. That would definitely be an instant-loss. I can't back out of the race since I'll lose SP anyways.
Whenever the game match-makes you with a cheater, the race is literally over before it began.
The game's horrendous match-making and cheaters both destroy the fun and SP progress in Blackridge Rivals.
Just today, the game match-maked me with two cheaters today with infinite nitrous.
There was no way I could win those races at all.
I lost 60 points thanks to those cheaters. 😞
I have another improvement to Blackridge Rivals match-making.
When the game chooses an opponent for people to race, there should be a 5 second or 10 second timer for people to decide if they want to race that opponent or let the game choose another opponent to race.
People can avoid racing cheaters from this.
@HeretikJirka wrote:
@TheRealJony - oh, and forgot kudos to you for getting that far even with those cars of yours, that leaves lot to be desired when speaking about upgrades.
Thanks man! Appreciate it. 🙂
@HeretikJirka wrote:
I've got maxed out CCX (that is, it was maxed out before the update, PR994, which now dropped to 989) and still losing a fair share of my scarce BR races, as I do make mistakes (and getting perfect start only about 1 out of 2).
We're human, so we all make mistakes once in a while. 😉
@THEJAJO wrote:
Koenigsegg CCX *** 842
Ferrari LaFerrari *** 811
@THEJAJO Can you post screenshots of your cars as well? Just like I did in my previous post.
P.S. I got lucky and the game match-maked me with AI opponents. And those AI opponents have extremely high SPs, so the rewards for defeating them are very high. 🥳
@GabeLogan100 wrote:
@GabeLogan100 wrote:
@vipucho wrote:
And the other problem is, the opponent goes in a "ghost mode", so we are unable to ram it into the wall or whatever.
Bloody good point my friend.@The RealJony wrote:
@GabeLogan100 I hope you don't really ram real players in Multiplayer races because you would be sent to heaven by me if you do IF Multiplayer races ever do come to No Limits.
If it was Multiplayer versus each other like in any other gaming competition wouldn't that be the point, to hinder your opponents ability to beat you? Or is this the Marquis of Queensbury rules gone crazy....?
The point of racing is to see who is the fastest. To see who can finish the race the fastest. That's why you see "First to the finish" every time you do a Blackridge Rival race.
Now, there's a difference between blocking and ramming.
Blocking means you're not letting someone pass you. That's fine as you're forcing your opponent to come up with a different way to pass you or forcing your opponent to wait for a good opportunity to pass you.
Ramming means you're hitting someone and causing them to crash. That's NOT fine as you literally ruined the race for them by causing a drastic change to their speed, direction, or even altitude (if you're a really good rammer like me).
I'll add this in: Trade Paint
Trade Paint is contact with your opponent's car that causes a very small change to their direction (and very little speed loss). This is fine as it makes races a lot more intense whenever people attempt to overtake each other.
I'm more than sure you wouldn't want to get a taste of your own medicine whenever you get rammed by another rammer, especially me when I can send my opponents flying.
To sum up:
Blocking is ok.
Trading paint is ok.
Ramming is NOT ok.
If you want to ram, then ram the AIs. That's what I do whenever I feel like ramming (and to get $500 for each takedown).
@THEJAJO wrote:
As you wish @TheRealJony.
Alright, stick with your SRT Viper GTS.
Your Koenigsegg CCX and Ferrari LaFerrari aren't fast enough for Blackridge Rival races. Those cars need more upgrades to be competitive.
Off-Topic: I won a Blackridge Rivals race against a cheater.
The cheater's car was a Mercedes-Benz AMG GT and had infinite nitrous.
Knowing that I couldn't block or ram the cheater, I just drove like I normally do and won against that scum.
I would have lost if that cheater's car was a Super car or a Hyper car...
These cheaters are so annoying, but it felt good winning a race against a cheater. Just like how I used to win races against cheaters when NFS World was still online.
Dear EA,
By far, without a doubt, Blackridge Rival is the WORST update ever. I would rather prefer races with VP's as rewards than to a race some cheats. And I dont know if anybody noticed, when you click "pre season" under blackridge rivals, it says "recorded races". Hold on, what does "recorded races" mean here?