9 years ago
blackridge rivals
is anyone else having trouble with these races? i seem to have lost just as many as ive won and more often than not if you "just" win a race you gain less points than you lose if you "just" lose a ra...
@koah7341 wrote:
And what's with this ghost thing... like I understand it's not that fair when you block someone on purpose from passing you or when you ram them but to be honest it makes it feel like it's more of a race me against another person. It's not fair if a car can pass right through you to win. They should have to go around me. Just like running a marathon pass through me nope around me..
Well, I guess making p2p races is next to impossible, since the reactions needed are in fractions of seconds, and there is no way to transfer data across mobile platforms that fast around the globe. Thus we race against pre-recorded races of other players. And if you tackle your opponent or interfere in any way, what should the game do? So they are ghosts.
@koah7341 wrote:
And second problem.. why did they create race skips. If I only have so much gas and I want to use that on races I can actually make more cash off of instead of on another race. I have a * ton of them and I won't use them because I need cash and yes I would rather skip a race I don't want to use the fuel. I wish I could trade in race skips and visual points they are useless to me. I have like 2 million visual points and I haven already bought just about everything in the shop.
I love this game just want more cash and gold
Well, I feel it the other way - let the race skip be optional, that is, do not limit number of race skips available. If you have time, want practice or more cash, just race. If you are in a hurry, do not want to waste your fuel, but cannot afford to race, just use skips, whats the matter? Since level 80 or so the repetition was so boring that I raced most of my races on easydrive anyway. And raceskip is just a tiny bit worse cash-wise, but a lot better time-wise.
@koah7341 wrote:
I get hit with lightening bolts to slow me down but I can't hit them back it only happens when I'm in lead very irritating
@koah7341 You were supposed to dodge the incoming ESFs (Electro Static Field) to avoid losing speed.
If you dodge the ESFs successfully, then you would be awarded some In-Game Cash and a bit of Nitrous.
@koah7341 wrote:
I don't know what this preseason thing is I read it yes but I am over level 60 I'm level 91 and I don't know if it started if I'm in it or how to win...
speed points I know what they are but what is the real point of them just for rank? I want to actually win something beneficial to the rest of the game besides cash for losing an unfair race
It's mentioned in the Blackridge Rivals tutorial that there are rewards for participating in Blackridge Rivals.
The rewards could possibly be better with more SP. You never know until you find out at the end of Preseason. 😉
Off-Topic: As you all probably know by now, I'm #1 on the Top 200 leaderboard in Blackridge Rivals.
A couple of days ago, it seemed the players that were above me were all cheaters...
@TheRealJony Now, that is SOME lead you have here, grats. I'd be scared to race more, as you can easily lose a day worth of racing on a single mistake, while gains are very small.
On your way to be the first Icon, right?
BTW, why is that you keep whitening out the Lover part of your nickname, when we all can see it in the game anyway? ;-)
@HeretikJirka wrote:
@TheRealJony Now, that is SOME lead you have here, grats.
@HeretikJirka Thanks! Appeciate it. 🙂
@HeretikJirka wrote:
I'd be scared to race more, as you can easily lose a day worth of racing on a single mistake, while gains are very small.
I had made mistakes a few times and those obviously costed me the race and deducted 55 points off.
Hey, I'm human. I make mistakes every once in a while. 😉
I never thought it was possible, but it is...
Winning against real opponent ghosts doesn't award me points anymore. At the same time, there's no one out there that has a higher SP score than me so I'm bound to earn very little points if I'm lucky.
The only way I could earn SP now is if the game gives me an AI ghost to race with. The AI ghosts have extremely high SP score, so the rewards for winning are high.
@HeretikJirka wrote:
On your way to be the first Icon, right?
I sure am!
Hopefully, the game gives me AI ghost opponents instead of real player ghost opponents since real player ghosts don't give me points anymore...
@HeretikJirka wrote:
BTW, why is that you keep whitening out the Lover part of your nickname, when we all can see it in the game anyway? ;-)
I normally want my name to just be "Jony", but it was already taken.
I also want to be known as "Jony" as well. That's why I keep removing part of my In-Game name.
The reason why I added "TheGirlLover" to my In-Game name is self-explanatory.
I don't need to explain anything. 😉
12 LOSSES IN A ROW and counting,and more than half of them I’m “matched” against cars that are at least 100-200 points higher than the car I’m in, I’m not sure how that makes any sense or is fun for anyone. None of the last dozen races have even been close. They nitro off the line and I am on a Sunday drive is how it feels. It’s really jerking me around and I’m not a fan lol at least buy me dinner first!
Agree. The "matching" makes no sense and the win/loss algorithm seems to make even less sense. If I win against someone with 200+ more SP I gain 10-20... lose to someone with 5 less SP, you lose 45. No rhyme/reason. Would love to know what a tuned Viper comes in at because those cars seem to be DOMINATING of late. I can pretty much now accurately predict exactly what's going to happen in the game. Sad. EA could fix this... no incentive.
@Racerevlon wrote:Sad. EA could fix this... no incentive.
But the only way to fix this is to scrap this awful part of the game called BRR altogether and bring back the Tournaments.
I refuse to play BRR. I hate it with a passion.