Cannot access EA on Need For Speed Rivals Error Code 40010000
Cannot access EA on Need For Speed Rivals, I get Error Code 4001000.
Got a PS4.
I have linked my PSN and Origin (EA) account already. Through Origin --> Friends --> Add a Friend --> Connect with PSN.
But each time I start NFS it says "Signing in to EA servers" or something, then it tells me that I need to sign in to PSN and EA servers. And it doesn't even give me the option to do so, the only options are OK and decline (or something). When I click OK, nothing happens, so basically I can only play offline.
Oddly enough I can play Battlefield without any issues...
So do you have any tips on how to solve this issue?
I wanted to contact support, but the only option it gave me was a phone number, which will cost me money, and it's 45 minute wait time. So basically EA want more money, even though they charge massive amounts for their games.
Hopefully somebody here have some good tips.