Forum Discussion
Hey all,
We've seen a good bit of feedback about having the ability to customize controls.
Can't say for certain it's something that will be implemented but we're definitely aware of the community asks here.
- Andy -
This feature is a must! If you really listen to your community as you really should, customizing controls would be already there! This is 2019! Yes I am enjoying the game, but these missing features are really frustrating
- 6 years ago
Ghost will never add controller mapping to this game. My solution is to use an elite controller which can switch between two profiles. One profile is default buttons for the menus. The second profile is completely remapped for driving. Example: shift up is A, shift down is X, handbrake is B, paddle is nitrous, etc. I'm on xbox.
- 6 years ago@babaluk i dont think we should have to buy a specialist controller to do this tho, while its is a good idea for a work around. We pay enough for the consoles and then the games this should really be a basic feature and it's not a hard one or time consuming process for them to implement. I've spoken with a developer at a sony studio and they have said how easy it is to be done. In my opinion it's just showing how out of touch the game producers are from their customers.
- 6 years ago
man, sorry but you really need to understand, that nobody smart is gonan go out to a store and buy a XBOX CONTROLLER THAT COST OVER 100 dollars. just to play this game... and on top of that they gotta pay 65 dollars for the game itself.. so this is not a good idea at all. this should be in the game from the start. NO EXCUSE FOR THEM NOT TO ADD THAT.
- 6 years ago
Considering one of our previous posters had contacted EA via chat, prior to release of the game, regarding button mapping. In which the representative had confirmed it was going to happen.
Is indeed disappointing.
I personally am fortunate enough to be able to remap the software that couples the elite 2 controller. But it's far from ideal.
I still haven't found a satisfactory remap to access the photomode though. How on earth are we expected to capture a specific moment whilst having to push down the right stick for several seconds? At least in Payback you could just hit the menu button. Idk.
You would have of thought that nowadays something like button remapping would come as standard on every title.
- 6 years ago
I actually hadn't noticed the LB issue. I've just gone and tested it. OMG I use manual gears and have been wondering why the cops were giving up. That's crazy, you can't change down or you'll bribe the police. Crazy.
- 6 years ago@Paddock720 You do know there is no controller presets on ps4 right, this is a must to add it in the next update.
- 6 years ago
@selticus1978 I didn't, cause I'm xbox
- 6 years ago
I logged in just to also post about this. This is a car game and a huge feature. I just started playing the game and cant play manual, caus of the button mapping for shifting gears. What were they thinking? Atleast give us the option to customize our own button layout or switch manual to the R3 stick. Its 2020, being able to customize your own buttons is pretty 101. Do car enthusiasts actually test these games?
- 6 years ago
That's the only reason i logged in also, Luckily I only purchased an origin trial while it may be premier I'm glad i didn't waste 50$ USD on this game. I would honestly return the game and buy need for speed 2016.
EA-GHOST allow controller binds not just buttons but the sticks... I use the stick to shift up and down.
- 6 years ago
Still no word on this. Unbelievable. Devs do not care about their game. Guys, KEEP BUMPING THIS THREAD. Keep it at the top of the list, every time there's a new reply it goes to the top of the list. Update it every day if you have to.
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