Forum Discussion
594 Replies
- Actually when you asked Tom to confirm if our answers were being transfered to the team the solution got changed to solved hahaha I hope that he didnt do this out of biterness... But he said that it would maybe fixed in the future, Im waiting to see the results. Btw you on Xbox or PS3 ?! im suprised as SteveCheraLouis is my PSN and Gamertag :O But yeah, Ghost Game, do something about it, or we will do something about the sales of your NEXT GAMES.
- Anonymous9 years ago
PS3,PS4 mate just add me i got easier PSN ID: Zerathel
The worst part is finishing my conslucion i feel like I am rat here. Got problems 3rd time came here. Always respect them and feel threat like rat no one of this world. Customer who supported them. Never spotted with this in my life. Others studio at least try do this with this and here? What i wrote here, wrote in NFS forum never even got answer from them. I never deserve for this behaviour beause never did anything bad against this company. That's why lost trust to this company. Really want believe that my faith back to EA,solution what i wrote here will be in game because i consider clearly with this what wrote today after all experience here but every day i starting losing hope that something will be change.
- Dont worry mate it will be fixed but when... I cant tell...but with thread changed to unsolved, my hopes are back.
- Anonymous9 years ago
This was reason that back here but emotions, feelings is the same. Sorry i really try hard believe that will be patch but after all is really hard.
- Anonymous9 years ago
I'm glad this topic is not longer marked as solved. It was the right decision. Thanks for that. I'm still hoping for a change.
another suggestion would be to include ghosts of your best times. All racing games that require you ti beat time trial times include a ghost of your best time. You then have something to chase and you can learn where you need to improve, where you took corners well etc. It certainly makes chasing the times less frustrating
aaaarrrrggggghhhhh.... the random car spawns wreck so many attempts. Extremely frustrating - please remove the random cars!! so many fundamental design things wrong with this dlc
- Anonymous9 years ago
I can't believe I'll have to throw away the entire profile made of lots of 100% just because of this. I don't buy games if trophies seem to me too difficult, and EA f* me up with this last trophy added in a sudden. I can't believe it, this must be fixed now, or I'll complain forever with every contact possible. I wanted to buy Battlefield 1 and Fifa 17, because I loved the WW1 and Fifa story mode ideas, but if you don't fix this you won't rip me off again. I'm very disappointed, you can't mess with years of 100% earned by adding an impossible trophy at the end of the patch cycles and not at game launch. Fix this.
- Anonymous9 years ago
Few minutes ago i did too this trophy. Time 1,5 months. A lot frustation, cursing EA,EA Ghost, and got satisfaction that did this but cost me too much nerves. My statement is still the same which means that this should be fix. I am with Mike and others who did because if this not fix I will not buy any game from EA because experience with this game was bad when was released last DLC. Saved my profiles but can't agree that a lot people lost own hard work with perfect profile. Behaviour to customers who gave You feedback good feedback in my opinion was far away from fair in the beginning. Maybe You changed mind I really want believe this because want on all forums that You listen customers but right now can't do this without any proof from Your side. And only proof is patch for this game.
So after 50+ hours of playing the prestige events this is the current state for me. I have only managed to achieve 3 gold (non in drift events where i get nowhere near). It would appear after giving this a pretty decent effort I will not be able to reach the required standard.
As much as I would like to continue and complete this I think it would be a waste of time and this trophy is out of my reach.
I wish to acknowledge EA/Ghost for finally ending a good run of maintaining a 100% trophy profile. Its taken almost 8 years (16th August 2008 was my first trophy) - I guess it had to come to an end at some point but I always assumed it would be for a game of my choosing. A game I had to play despite a ridiculous trophy. Apparently not. It has ended by a decision someone else made and then forced onto my profile. As a Chief Information Officer for a software development company (look me up on linked in if you want to check that) any product I released into market that generated this amount of negative feedback I would look to rectify - everyone makes mistakes its how you react to them that defines the company.
I wish everyone attempting this trophy the best of luck (you will need it with those crazy random spawns) and to those that have completed it, massive respect its a ridiculously tough trophy and you should be proud of the achievement.
PSN: paulcoe
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