8 years agoMultiplayer Free-Roam
I am posting this as both a request to Ghost Games, and a warning to the potential buyers of NFS Payback. Multiplayer free roam is a core element of what made NFS 2015 fun, and what people enjoyed...
CLP "guide" crying in every mp free-roam topic is just hilarious.
Thing is if there is no mp free-roam added you will be a "guide" on a dead forum. L0L
Don't bother discussing with CLP anymore, he's trying to get a job at EA.
@PichonShred No one is trying to get a job at EA. Im sorry you cant carry on a decent conversation on here without dogging on somebody or a video game. All you can do is make false claims. @MonoAl96 I am sorry you are illiterate. I told that the "Guide" level is just that, a level. Again, stop being like Pichon and looking like a fool. You guys are mad over something that was never established. Coming on a forum making threats saying you wont get the game or saying you are going to boycott a game does not help a developer. A forum is for constructive criticism and to voice your concerns not to dog on a developer and threaten them. In case you didn't know, EA has many other games they can make money off of. Saying your not going to buy this game or that you are going to boycott it makes no sense and it wont make a difference. They have Battlefront, Battlefield and the multiple EA sports games they make money off of.