Forum Discussion
470 Replies
been waiting for over a month for my refund
- Anonymous12 years ago
Bahhh hahaha......You didn't expect to actually be able to play this game did you?
EA and ghost just can't be held responsible for your unrealistic expectations.
We're in Las Vegas now.
See you next game.
- Anonymous12 years ago
EA should be ashamed what a worthless way to trick people out of their money whish I could give the game back Yea laugh it up EA you got my money wtf why would you care . Lets see how well your next title sells
- Anonymous12 years ago
Please EA/GHOST/CRITERION listen to your loyal customers.
You earn literally BILLIONS of dollars from the consumer.
Surely you can answer our problem.
Steering wheel support is needed across all platforms.
Please Santa give us what we want this Christmas 😕mileyvery-happy:
- Anonymous12 years ago
momo wheel support or my money back please .
- Anonymous12 years ago
can't use the driving wheel is really a joke!!!😕mileylol:
still waiting for the refund.😕mileysad:
- Anonymous12 years ago
Do not buy this game if you expect it to function with the main controller normally used for racing games.
If you expect any support on this issue.....forget it! It will soon be a month!
And don't hold your breath on a refund. We'll never see it.
- Anonymous12 years ago
Please EA help the consmuer.
It's a little bit of coding that your MULTI BILLION DOLLAR franchise shouldn't have any problem with at all.
Give your Need For Speed followers a nice Christmas present this year :heart:
- Anonymous12 years ago
I posted this awhile back and it got buried, but may help out some PC players.
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