6 years ago
Hey Everyone, I hope you’re all well. First and foremost I’d just like to say that I’m a long time need for speed fan but wanted to join these forums to see if an EA developer or someone from EA co...
@Tomss4 wrote:
@anti-loser1But that doesn’t make much sense because there’s also a normal M3 E46 in the car list. Ben or Barry, care to comment and put our mind to rest?
The normal M3 in the car list does not say E46 it just says
Ok, it does seem like the M3 2006 is an E46 since i googled it and the 2000-2006 models are E46.
It does seem to imply that it is the GTR from the way they described it as razor's from NFSMW. (really its the players, razor stole it)
So what i am thinking is they mean a 2000-2006 GTR which would be the right car. I would really like someone from EA to confirm if it is the exact car