Mary Christmas from Sweden, opend my gift. Nfs Heat and a Logitech G-29 Yee game on🙂 Many hours later, almost smashing my PS4 in frustration on the way... YouTube tells me you're game doesn't support a steeringwheel..
How bad can you get.
Still don't know if I'm going to explode when I get back at the store returning the wheel, or if I'm going to brake the CD and show on YouTube and tell peuple not by you're game.
Haven't been this diseponted in many years now.
Fix you're games!
Where is the legendary feeling from NFS Underground? We used to sit like 10 guys and play from 4:20 after work to late knights every day.
You're game and Santa diseponted me when finding out the truth you're bothe my dad and my name is Luke. The problem is THAT I CAN'T RETURN THE FREEKING FAKE SANTA (DAD) OR THE GAME. I've opend and installed it. Tnx 😬