2 years ago
NFS Hot Pursuit Remastered - Cannot connect to the EA servers.
When trying to join a full lobby I get 'Cannot connect to the EA servers. See ea.com/unable-to-connect for additional help.' error. Works ok when I'm joining the lobby with 1-2 people, except every time I get very big ping (~1-2 minutes delay).
Using Steam version of the game.
Hi @NumKied Can we try the following and check if this continues?
- EA App's Cache (Top Left Menu > Help > App Recovery)
- Repair/Verify your game based on which client you are launching from
- EA App - Repair (My Collection > Tile Dots > Repair)
- Run the System File Checker tool then Check for Windows and GPU updates
- Default your game to the high-performance GPU, AMD Settings | Nvidia Settings | Windows Settings
- Guide for Troubleshooting Graphics issues
- Check for other applications that may be limiting EA App or Game performance
- Connection and Advance Connection Guides
- Untick the options in LAN Settings (make sure nothing is checked under Proxy Server)
- Change DNS settings (You can use the public google DNS primary:, secondary:, unless there is a different DNS you would rather use)