nsf most wanted 2012 freezes and crashes after startup menu
ive seen a lot of similar issues with this game. if you want to suggest what other people have done then dont bother answering, ive tried most of what others have suggested such as,
clearing cahse
running in admin
changing save files. pretty much anything that was suggested before january 2023, dont hint at it as it will not work. i have seen people play it so i know they got it working, i just don't know how to make it work though the ea play app on windows 10.
my need for speed most wanted 2012 is on the ea app that came out recently and when i load past the start up menu and it is loading to start the game, it freezes for about 2 seconds and crashes and exits the game completely, no error message, nada. i want to play this game so badly and i own it, and im not downloading on emulator "tbh to many malware issues with that crap anyways" so on top of that, can i get anything relating to the ea app and not origin?
thank you
HI @IdieUdie-_-00 NFS Most Wanted is one of our older titles, when you have a moment can we try the following if you have not recently?
- EA App's Cache (Top Left Menu > Help > App Recovery)
- Repair/Verify your game based on which client you are launching from
- EA App - Repair (My Collection > Tile Dots > Repair)
- Run the System File Checker tool then Check for Windows and GPU updates
- Default your game to the high-performance GPU, AMD Settings | Nvidia Settings | Windows Settings
- Guide for Troubleshooting Graphics issues
- Install/Repair your VC++ files for NFS Most Wanted
- Put your device in a Clean Boot then launch the game
- Try the Game in different Compatibility settings
- Check for other applications that may be limiting EA App or Game performance