3 years ago
Personally, I am liking the game. My biggest gripes are difficulty and cops. This game on relaxed doesn't seem relaxed. I've had a crazy time trying to win races. One of the big issues are the police...
When every other car is a cop, it becomes a chore, not a challenge.
Yeah, most of the time you are hiding from cops or trying to run away from them, and the rest you can try and earn some money. Maybe AI skills are okay, imho the main problem is there are a too many cops and they are everywhere: city, country, streets, roads, highway.
Today I set difficulty to Very-Easy-please-I-am-stupid and played a while to check if cops relaxed a bit. No way: I had to defend 2.000$ I won with sweat and tears in a race and I was running away from them during a very long and boring time. My heat raised from 2 to 5. Fortunately a safe place to hide found me and cops decided to go on the opposite direction. Arriving to the garage on heat 5 was another nice time.
I didn't get fun and I felt no satisfaction beating them, because that's not one of those hard and nice challenges we find in some games, set to get from us the best. This is a wrong implementation and lack of testing of a CORE part of the game.
Anyway, in my opinion it ruins the whole game. I am a big fan of NFS so yeah, I am f***d up ☹️
I swear, after 31h of playing the game and finishing it. There were only 2 times, not including Rydell missions where I did not have cops on me.
The game felt like I spent more time hiding in forests from cops and running from them than racing.
Have a feeling that I`ll return to Pro Street soon
Wouldn't want to live in Lakeshore in real life it's literally a police state hahahahahahaha
While we are on the topic of cops, I wanted to ask you guys and gals, don't you think the undercover cop unit, the Camaro, is the worst design for a stealth car ever made?
I mean come on, fifteen52 wheels, red and blue stripes on the side and modified body kit? Who thought this was a good idea?