Forum Discussion
@EA_Illium I found out what's causing it, if you have so many cars in you garage, the game bugs out and won't work, its around 70 cars is when it happens*, I ended up selling some cars and even with the error popping up I could load in multiplayer consistently, but would still drop out when returning to the safehouse, bought more cars and it's returned to not letting me enter an multiplayer lobby, hopefully if you relay it to Criterion they might hopefully find out why this happens and either hot fix it or put it in the next update.
*Only including the multiplayer garage, not single player
EDIT: trigger point is 70 cars, sold one and was able to enter multiplayer consistently with no issues except for entering a safehouse and getting kicked, still have the error pop up but I'm sure it's tied to number of cars you have in multiplayer garage, somewhat less than the seventy cars that trigger the incapability of joining a multiplayer lobby
@Doryzzkendy I did that too a while back...sold like half my cars but it put at more like 90 cars and then I was able to get back online .I have built my garage back up to 117 cars and I also still get the error code FTCL5001 but can still get online to a server ( its hit or miss, sometimes i can get online and sometimes not)...however every time I go back into a safe house it kicks me offline.So yes, if you sell cars it can get you back online but evidently that number must be different for everyone and not just set to a number 70 cars..I did delete half my wraps though putting me at around 25 wraps.So maybe my garage limit of 90+ cars is different from your 70 cars because I have less wraps...either way I agree with you...criterion or EA need to definitely look into why we are having to delete cars and wraps just to get online and also why we still get the error code FTCL5001 and getting kicked offline when we return to a safe house.
- 2 years ago
Maybe, cause I have almost 100 wraps as I make new wraps for my cars that I own, as a result making my number of cars lower due to having more wraps, but all in all is still a huge issue none the less, at least finding out the problem is a huge step to fixing it
EDIT: also @EA_Illium could you also ask Criterion to get rid of the 100 wrap limit, it's annoying for people like me who like making wraps to have to stop when ever we hit 100 wraps in both offline and online, even if it's a downloaded one which in full honesty shouldn't count towards the limit in the first place if it wasn't made by said player
- livinwithaliens72 years agoRising Scout
@Doryzzkendy Yeah I had 100 wraps at first too...and noticed once I deleted almost all of them I was able to get back's almost like a guessing many wraps or how many cars do I delete so I can play online lol..It's frustrating I know...especially when you spend all that time to grind for the cars and not to mention the time it takes to make the wraps.I had some sweet wraps that are now gone.Somehow a wrap you make can get corrupted for some unknown reason and there's no way to know which one it is so you have to just keep deleting each wrap one by one 😔...I was really hoping that the Vol.3 update would have fixed these bugs
- livinwithaliens72 years agoRising Scout
I can't even get online now...Internet is good but keep getting error code FTCL5001 and kicked back to homescreen ...Can't even get into the online garage....very frustrating
- livinwithaliens72 years agoRising Scout
Username/gamertag: livinwithaliens7
How often: All the time
Problem:Can't get online to server.I either get error code FTCL5001 or nothing at all...just won't let me get online.If I am lucky after numerous times and able to get online into garage, it pops up error code FTCL5001, once I go to "Find Game" it kicks me back offline and to homescreen. I have tried all of the troubleshooting suggestions that EA has recommended and nothing works.There is no issue with the Playstation Network nor is there any issues with my internet.Please see attached files.
- 2 years ago
I've been going through this FTCL5001 BS for over a month. Did the ea chat and the said it was a known problem and their people are working on it. It's been a problem for over a year.
Fix#1 I did everything ea said and nothing then I sold a bunch of cars and deleted some wraps. Went from 118 to 45. Finally got to race some online. Still got the same error message but it would load the online races sporadically. Not a permanent solution.
Fix#2 Change router settings to a single or moderate nat type. I'm guessing if you check your nat type it'll come back as a double nat. The dreaded double nat. Google that and you'll find everything you need in it. It is dependant on your router and isp. I finally changed my router to an access point long story severely shortened and it works properly again
- 2 years ago
I've been going through this FTCL5001 BS for over a month. Did the ea chat and the said it was a known problem and their people are working on it. It's been a problem for over a year.
Fix#1 I did everything ea said and nothing then I sold a bunch of cars and deleted some wraps. Went from 118 to 45. Finally got to race some online but I would still get the same error message but it would load the online races sporadically. Not a permanent solution.
Fix#2 Change router settings to a single or moderate nat type. I'm guessing if you check your nat type it'll come back as a double nat. The dreaded double nat. Google that and you'll find everything you need in it. It is dependant on your router and isp. I finally changed my router to an access point long story severely shortened.
- 7 months ago
They are bad people they don't care. I have the same problem. They have did nothing about it. Is it against the law to take money from people and lie about there product. It don't work the way they say it does. This bug is really bad. A big problem for NFS.
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