Forum Discussion
Thanks for the info and confirming it's not related to the car limit then.
After some more digging, it seems like some of those cars can only be used in Lockdown and can't be used in Free Roam or PVP playlists. That's possibly why they are not showing up in the normal "My Rides" section.
Here is an excerpt from our blog article on Lockdowns. There is a lot of information in there, but you can find it under JACKED & IMPOUNDED RIDES.
"Any vehicles you Jack and successfully extract with will appear in your garage as ‘Jacked’ and (inversely to Impounded rides) will be available for you to use for 24 hours, before they are returned. Jacked rides can not be used in Free Roam & PVP."
So, when you do extract one of those cars, they are only useable for 24 hours in Lockdown mode and can be selected from the "My Rides" section while in the Lockdown menu, not the main menu.
@EA_Vendcera here's some proof of me extracting a hot ride (Pink Corvette stingray) and not having it in my garage
(EDIT) Cars I should have now...
Ming's Murcielago
Chase's Porsche
Razors M3 GTR
Maya's Ford Mustang GT
A gold Bugatti Chirion
The Huayra BC with the HP wrap
Vic's 350 Z
Kaze's AMG C 63
Shimizus LaFerrari
And a stock Regara
- Stevob3 months ago
EA QV Team
Hi @Doryzzkendy thanks for sharing the videos, I have added them to our ticket on this.
Can you confirm a couple more things for our investigation on this?
- Check again and confirm the exact amount of cars owned on both Story and Online modes combined. I see you said 150 earlier but the video shows 167, can you confirm the exact amount please of both modes.
- Are the Rockport Legends contracts showing as completed for the Blacklist cars extracted?
- Did you jack them from the lockup yourself or were they jacked from other players and then extracted?
Thanks again.
- 3 months ago
Hey @Stevob , To answer your questions...
1. Total number of cars over singleplayer and multiplayer: it was 3 cars in singleplayer and about 150 for multiplayer BEFORE buying the DLC that would give me the catch-up packs which would include Vol 5 and 4 with the Vol 9 pass. I CANT TRULY CONFIRM THE TRUE TOTAL CURRENTLY as I can't access my Xbox at the time of typing this
2. Yea, extracting with the MW cars will mark off the respective tag associated with said car. WILL ADD SCREENSHOT WHEN POSSIBLE
3. Also yea, every single car was obtained from lock-ups first and extracted asap and without stealing from another player
- Stevob3 months ago
EA QV Team
OK thanks @Doryzzkendy for the info and quick reply. And yea whenever you can could you grab me the exact number of cars across story and Online garages. Also if possible let me know how many cars you have in the Cop Career/ Garage too if you can, between the 3 garages it may be over the 200 limit.
I want to rule out the 200 limit for sure and those cars added from DLC may have pushed just over the limit of 200 as they add to story mode garage too and possibly some go to Cop garage on top pending the DLC added.
- 3 months ago
@Stevob @EA_Vendcera Here is a video of my extracting the pagani RaceX car from a lockup and I'm not getting it inside my lockdown garage.
I checked my garage numbers, I have 3 cars on single player and 164 on the online garage and 9 in cop garage, 176 total. I should be getting this cars since I still have free garage slots.
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