Forum Discussion
Does anyone have any tips/builds that seem to be helping?
I have actually resorted to taking all points out of stick checking since its basically utterly broken - and dumping them into hitting/passing/def awareness
I also noticed that quick pick seems to be the only gold outside of truculence that seems to be making a difference. Of course I dont have that unlocked on DD yet so I am playing build classes I wouldnt normally (e.g. TWD) in order to try out the golds that I do not have unlocked on other builds.
@IceLion68 I rely mostly on body positioning now which requires a build with high mobility since most forwards are so fast and agile on the puck. I'm often switching up but currently I'm running a PMD with Elite Edges, 90/90 on speed and acceleration (a lot of forwards now have 92 or even 93 but I find 90 to be adequate on defense) and a whopping 91 agility. I just try to contain them with my positioning and gain inside position (so attack them from their forehand side) when I'm trying to take away the puck. Don't hustle when turning to retain maximum agility and only press the poke button when you know you're in a position to recover so they don't blow past you when you're briefly glued to the ice.
I also currently have high stick checking at 85 along with Stick 'Em Up and Shutdown which does result in more successful pokes but you still have to be really careful with that R1 button.
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Solved17 days ago- 20 days ago