This is a small step in the right direction. A very small one. Im sure the presentation changes will make it slightly better but it seems as though we'll get more of the new stuff that is only 4 seconds long. We will still be in CONDENSED mode. That being said, it would be nice to hear that the team is working on restoring a traditional presentation package to look like prior years stuff to include the new stuff.
Also, the team really needs to make it a priority to update ALL of the NHL teams uniforms as a majority are not updated and some are wearing jerseys from 3 years ago. Sports games always made this a priority in the past to make sure teams looked as close as possible to their real life counterparts in each yearly release. There used to be no questioning it. That is, until EA NHL started neglecting it. It's even more mind boggling when EA NHL started updating only certain teams to hi res jerseys and uniforms while leaving other teams in the last console generation but in the SAME game.