Forum Discussion
It's hard to keep it "constructive" when we have already given them a ton of constructive feedback regarding this presentation issue and they don't provide any communication in return. How are we to know if what we're saying is going anywhere or if it's all a facade and ultimately they don't care? If they want us to keep it completely constructive then maybe they should actually TRY COMMUNICATING so we have at least an idea of what is going on or what is being worked on. When Aljo and others say "keep it constructive" but then we don't hear anything about what is being fixed and/or subsequent game releases have the same issues, then of course we are going to be more likely to start venting and being less "constructive". So come on EA, get it together, and start letting us know if you're at least trying to fix the presentation that you somehow broke.
Constructive criticism have 2 party involve
1 someone give a constructive criticism
2 someobe receive it.
When the 2 party involve act like a responsible person, a constructive criticism is supose to strengthen a bond.
But even with god constructive criticism, if the receiving party don't act and respond to it, it is going to degrade the situation and the bond.
This is not my personal opinion, this actualy how the process is suppose to happen to work.
Go read any source about constructive criticism, Asking people to give positive criticism without answering it the proper way become automatically a negative process.
The way ea is not answering criticism cannot be a positive process.
The last step of such process is always call follow up. After having some time so think about, the person answer the criticism. Right now, ea is trying to do this process without having to do a follow up, so the process still incomplete.
- 3 years ago
I’d honestly would simply like to hear 2 things,
1 why was it removed? When all the assets was there and it was already made. Basically wouldn’t of meant extra work on EA side of things
2 Since it has been the biggest requested thing why won’t they return it?
- 3 years ago
@DeMiGoD1988 wrote:I’d honestly would simply like to hear 2 things,
1 why was it removed? When all the assets was there and it was already made. Basically wouldn’t of meant extra work on EA side of things
2 Since it has been the biggest requested thing why won’t they return it?
+1. We know that the presentation was intentionally removed, but we never received an explanation as to why. If it was removed due to a technical/programming issue, I’d respectfully advise that it’s time to hire some new programmers. 2Ks nba game has at least 5-10 minutes of pregame/postgame/ingame stats, analysis, replays, etc each game. It can be done. Heck, EAs own FIFA game has plenty of presentation goodies each game, so why does NHL get literally nothing? Very odd indeed.
if there is one thing you want to pass along to the development team, from my perspective the game makes me feel like I am being rushed. Meaning that a lack of any presentation makes it feel like the game wants you in and out as quickly as possible as if there is something to hide so it doesn’t want you spending any time in its world. If that makes sense to anyone else.
- 3 years ago
@Erkz16I completely understand the last paragraph and also feel rushed or at least I did when I played 22 on Condensed presentation which is why I always play on full presentation . Yet to get NHL 23.
- 3 years ago
@DeMiGoD1988 wrote:I’d honestly would simply like to hear 2 things,
1 why was it removed? When all the assets was there and it was already made. Basically wouldn’t of meant extra work on EA side of things
2 Since it has been the biggest requested thing why won’t they return it?
I would obviously like it to be patched back in but if it’s not going to happen at least give us number 1. It you’re going to tell us it was intentional then tell us why it was intended???
There is no excuse not to and it is only fair to the customers who bought the game and continue to buy it yearly. Just because people might criticize the decision is not a reason for EA to not explain their thought process behind it.
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