Forum Discussion
I am NOT the one who originally brought up anything about NOT listening to the community BUT candidly speaking I can relate to that perception.
Ive tried Ad Nauseam to reach out to you all for a litany of reasons and most of the time I get NO response whatsoever so youll forgive me if I feel that way!
BUT as Ive said,I was NOT the one who originally brought that up!
I would still seriously like to talk via messenger if you would be amenable to it?
@7df81e6108e66429The feedback and concerns given on these forums that is constructive is passed along to the correct people. They 99% of the time aren't going to say yes we are fixing, changing, or whatever until they have done it and put it in patch notes. I always look at things like this... If nothing is changing then they are either A.) Content with how it is currently. B.) Working on a fix/change/solution but haven't come up with one yet.
As for the NHL license anyone can go acquire it's use if they are willing to pay the price to make a hockey game. Fighting over a million to 2 that would be potential buyers is rough considering it would take 3-4yrs to make a product and that would more than likely also need some form of ultimate team to get them thru things also. 2K dropped out for a reason, much like EA NBA isn't getting made anymore. You can't lure the competition away at this stage in the game. But that is just how I feel on things.