i mean..you see tons of flipped pucks into neutral to get a line change IRL...if they want the pressure system to be effective, maybe dont let players skate contiunous high speed circles when pbreaking out? maybe have tons of incidental contact so the forecheck can actually disrupt the play? mayeb add real forechecking strategies to the game and program the AI to play them correctly so pressure is felt? maybe dont have the off-puck AI stand still and watch your 1v1 game of ISO basketball? maybe dont make a "pressure system" and simply have fatigue matter so "pressure" is felt naturally? maybe tie pressure system to stamina only and remove the big red flashing timer from the middle of the ice? i mean idk..been watching/playing hockey for 25 years now...maybe jyust make a hockey game first then figure out what mechanics you want to put on top of it to polish the prodcut eh? right now we have AI that stadn still more than move who dont understnad time or space who dont have any real hockey strategies programmed in their game and 99% of this game feels weightless and arcadey...maybe get the core gameplay down before we start worrying about the balancing of the flip dump mechanic hahah...yikes