Forum Discussion
I played hockey at a high level IRL the other day and the feel virtually with this pressure system makes it very arcade where it comes nowhere close to the real hockey experience.
I feel now this is going to impact D-man and goalies even more since the pressure meter causes them to lose stamina even if they aren't attacking... My experience with this I noticed that glides cause stamina to decrease also. A goalie doesn't even need a shot on them to lose it which makes them more vulnerable...
No idea why Mike thinks this is a good thing when numerous members around the community dislike it and rather more important content be introduced instead of these gimmicks we keep getting! Like yeah we got the glass breaking but not like before! Hitting is okay tbh... Just certain aspects of this game don't make sense why they got the green light! GWC is a complete mess right now with the pressure system!
Not fair to us consumers and feels unacceptable for a full priced game. I will give the update a try tomorrow but if this pressure system stays that is going to ruin the population!
I think the pressure system was poorly received because it was so lopsided in favour of offense - by adding a feature that allows the D to counter/build their own, it'd be near perfect in my opinion.
I've played at a high level as well and can see the merit to a pressure system but fully agree there need to be certain tweaks. I have been absolutely gassed and more willing to take a hook/slash and be on the verge of just passing out but I've never floppy chickened my way in goal or outright didn't make an effort, no matter how futile, to get my body infront of the puck.
Losing more stamina and making harder to regain is realistic, but I don't like to see a timed lockdown on it when i'm literally not moving at all
- MajorCash2 years agoSeasoned Newcomer
Agreed with your statement about balancing offence and defence. Instead of pressure system, could make stamina or boost system. Standing does not decrease stamina, puck ragging does not increase pressure. Offensive points for passing, shooting, stick checks and hits. However, defence gets points for shot blocks, interceptions, checks and pokes. 2 systems countering each other to tilt the advantage…one for scoring and one for regaining control and exiting the zone. There’s a systematic advantage to wearing a team down that goes beyond stamina.
PS…puck pickups are still frustrating and I’ve played this game for a long time, especially when I hit a guy and he gets up and gets the puck before me!!!
- TTZ_Dipsy2 years agoHero+
My buddy and I just played our first games since the first playoffs.
My screen froze while trying to back out due to horrible ping so I quit and found out it counted as a loss (the countdown didn't even end on my screen). We finally found another match and it was like playing in mud with 60 ping - our computer D was skating off randomly in his own world and our goalie wasn't any better (in fact he was his usual much worse self); they scored on us twice when we had full pressure - somehow our energy lowered faster than theirs...
We're officially done with 24. I get the game for free and still feel completely ripped off; feels like nothing has changed
- NeonSkyline212 years agoSeasoned Ace@TTZ_Dipsy 60 ping?! That sounds like a dream to me! In Online versus, I rarely get matched with an opponent with less than 80 ping LOL.
I don't understand the "counted as a loss" part. Are you saying you quit before the first puck drop?
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