2 years agoRising Veteran
NHL 24 Issues
- Step up to give the opponent odd man rushes, path to block you, take penalties.
- Often don't go for loose pucks after "failed" dekes, hits, shots, or after a goalie pass.
- Defender A.I. break up passes (noticeably saucers) more effectively than human controlled.
- Sometimes don't cover anybody during OT. (Opponent line change?).
- Crash their own goalie, resulting in own goals. *
- Teammate A.I. will skate and stand 3 feet away from you whilst having plenty of room to use. The 2-3 foot pass also often misses. *
- While set up in the O-zone, players are usually facing toward center ice when receiving a pass. One-timers can take a long time to set up.
- When receiving a long pass, momentum can carry the receiver ~10 feet across the blue line (offside). Bad player switching also contributes.
- Defense attack while on the PK.
- Pass receivers are often fighting momentum. D > neutral zone passes that aren't taken in stride and that have any kind of coverage result in that big abrupt pass receive animation.
- Forwards constantly rotating out to the blueline when set up in the O-zone, dragging a defender with them, confusing attacking Defenders positioning. The same thing with Defenders skating to center ice to join a rush if a forward gains possession before a breakout.
- A.I. can easily lock on to players for board pins further away from the boards and on moving targets. Big contrast compared to human controlled players.
- Will ignore last man back after a line change.
- Spin backwards to face plays behind the net.
- Pass into their own pads when aiming sideways.
- Unable to locate the puck or become frozen in animation.
- Cover animation results in own goals.
- Goalie interference is called when contact is made outside of blue paint (if the goalie dives at you) or if you are knocked into the goalie by a defender. Non-calls for obvious interference if a defender is in the vicinity.
- Goalie remains pulled after a goal, or goalie pull doesn't register between whistles.
- Goalies will flop after point shots (off the rush/while full stamina), after rebounds that don't result in a shot animation.
- After a recent patch (1.5.0?) goalies are letting in a lot of unscreened point shots (off the rush/while full stamina).
Exploit Goals:
- Firing passes through the crease often results in a goal, whether it's through multiple positioned defenders, or off of your defender (own goal).
- Glitch goal: Holding down pass and shooting causes goalie to move wrong way and puck to "curve". DunkinDeli make a video on it. *Fixed*
- Zegras pass on breakaway freezes goalie.
- Zegras pass and returning it to your stick, from out of the air. Nasher made a popular video on it last year.
- Curling from the goal line causes goalie to go in to butterfly & come off the post.
- Firing a pass through the 5-hole. Note: You don't have to be aiming the pass to a teammate. *
- One hand deke while going behind the net causes goalie to leave post early.
- Spin-o-rama off of the side of the net causes the goalie to leave the post early.
- Short saucer pass from the side of the net. Goalie fumbles it or loses it in pads.
- Datsyuk flip going across the goalie (along the goal line). Goalie slides to hug the opposite post.
- Bad hit tracking/pathing (bubble), speed boost, bumps not registering. Shoulder checks' wild follow-through animation.
- Inconsistency with boarding/charging calls.
- Hip checks: OP on small, fast skaters (who coincidentally have low hitting attributes).
- Weak interference penalties from trying to shoot the puck off of a rebound or having the puck poked while trying to shoot. *Addressed*
- Hit bubble - Players dodge while basically at a stand still, or with (what should be) no room to dodge. eg. Sandwiched between a player and the boards while on a rush.
- Hits aim towards teammates or other nearby players that you're trying to check. "Snaking"/Elite edges make it more likely to aim at the wrong player.
- Deking - The puck goes the opposite way on windmill and 1h tucks, broken animations on certain "same side" dekes, less room for the 1H deke, basic stick handles not registering near the net.
- Loose puck pickup behind the net can lunge or slingshot you.
- Shot animation bug where you spin in place/turn in to rubber.
- Poke checks aiming the opposite direction of the puck or blatantly, directly, in to skates.
- Rare bug: getting bumped while going into the Michigan set-up can cause the player to get stuck in the animation.
- Tie-up animation bug. Multiple initiations in quick succession. *
- Shot follow through ignores incidental contact (defender stick, even body).
- Players with the puck can get stuck in a slow turn animation.
Other - Skill Gap Stuff:
- Player switching: late switches or switches to the wrong player.
- Puck magnetism: Needing multiple poke checks in a row to change possession (especially along the boards), the puck being knocked in an impossible direction to one players team, one team getting multiple contested rebounds in a row.
- DSS nerfs - poor poke aim, slowed skating, crouch block quickness and default stick positioning are different this year.
- Discrepancies in power/ease of use between Total Control and Skill Stick. Mainly Total Control hitting and 1-button Michigans.
- The 1-4 trap/collapsing is the META when AI pressure and turnovers become overtuned. Results in skill-zoning, less active player input, lower skill players winning more games.
- While defending, after a standstill crouch block or sweep check (laying down to block passing lane) -- defenders can end up repelling away from, or getting sucked in towards the net. Either opening up a cross crease or causing the defender to bump their own goalie. *
- Players can glove slapshots and v-high goalie lobs without fumbling.
- Generally, defense has become less rewarding. Nerfs to the DSS, poke check, shot blocks. The addition of the pressure system.
- "Skilled up" Zone ability often launches the puck. Sometimes out of play - if off the goalie's mask.
- Pressure meter fills from weak, maybe even missed shots.
- Soft passes from behind the net often prioritize your D-man at the blueline instead of the man infront of the net.
- Full pressure bug: When under pressure, and after taking a time out, you stay under full pressure until it activates again.
- People (and A.I.) can intentionally draw tripping penalties by turning away from the play.
- Puck physics bug: Puck will bounce away at high speed after certain hits/offloads, low speed shot tips, when it goes off the side/back of the net.
- Teammates staying on ice with 0 stamina after manual line change, even skating them to the bench does not work.
- Icon passing is often just as unreliable as regular passing.
- Bug where if you instigate a fight, the other player can get the penalty, or you can initiate the fight yourself.
- Extra penalties being accessed. eg. 6m for 3x goalie interference.
- Puck getting stuck ON the post/crossbar after a shot.
- Flopping fish/seizure bug.
- Rare bug when an injury and puck possession happen at the same time, game will go into limbo. No whistles, but still able to control and use players. (The fix was to knock a net off it's moorings)
- HUT Rush completely broken -- multipliers don't work, goals still not registering properly. *Fixed*
- Glass breaks on weak shots and hits.
- Button mapping: Protect puck is harder to use, activates accidentally and wears on the controller. Between the legs animation after hip checks. 1-touch passing loose pucks when attempting to switch players. Total control: accidental reverse hits when using the LS. Hybrid Controls: tie-up interference penalties after faceoffs.
- Goals deflected off of skate/own goals not counting toward objectives.
- Bug where when you break your stick, you use a phantom one. *
- Vision control doesn't show on screen if you're stick handling. *Fixed*
- "Shadow players" when playing in the NYI rink. *
- Time on scoreboard clock and boards clock are slightly off. (goals with .1s left on the boards don't count).
- Connection issues (lag compensation, server proximity, server load).
- When a fight breaks out behind the opposing goal, you can't see.
- Sometimes unable to change forward lines between whistles or after intermission.
- You can no longer "short sauce" the puck to your goalie. The puck usually bounces out.
- Stick lifts going in to pick ups and DSS poke checks no longer count toward objectives.
- Penalty shots don't occur if the trip happened between the blue and red lines.
U.I./Other bugs:
- Regular crashes, unable to join, lobby disconnects.
- Leaderboard sort does not work properly.
- Hitting R3 during search can take you to Battlepass and crash your lobby.
- Loadout overlay won't close - forces you to have to rejoin lobby. Happens often.
- Shop sometimes completely empty. *
- Club jerseys defaulting to plain NHL jerseys.
- A club can accrue losses if club members leave a lobby and "autofilled" players play, and lose.
- People losing players, PUCs until they restart -- having to manually look for them in collection. *
- Bugs with lines -- swapping a player with a blank slot (after you remove a player from lineup) creates a bug as if the removed player is still in the lineup - creates multiple of the same player on special teams lines. *Addressed*
- Auto filling any player(s) will reset all of your XF abilities, upgrading a player already on a line will activate all of their abilities.
- "Compare price" sends you back an extra screen. *Fixed*
- Untradeable card(s) on auction. There was one with a bid, but no buy now option. *
- After auto-filling players, they show back up in collection (unable to fill/use again). *
- B-S-G-D collectible sets are confusing and in some cases diminish value as you trade them up. *Addressed*
- Lines in Moments: Wrong players, "Objective players" on the 4th line and/or not on special teams/overtime lines. *Addressed*
- "Card types" in auctions are mislabeled.
- Rivals rewards improperly displayed.
- Players having missing/bugged synergies.
- Missing/wrong rewards.
- Continuous "searching" bug when opening collection. *
- Store packs not labelled as Untradeable.
- Cards stored in sets, which upgrade and become unusable in the set, disappear.
- Sometimes after adding a new search parameter, the auction freezes and bricks the game.
- Customization items - blank, with just a description of the item. *Addressed*
- Jerseys stuck counting as "active jerseys".
- Cards in collection stuck as "part of an active offer".
- Compare price and then inputting BIN parameter kicks you back.
- After buying an item, hitting "item options" twice in quick succession gives an error and kicks you back to NHL 24 main screen.
- People receiving Tim Campbell cards in place of new event cards.
- Custom goal horn and play-by-play names don't work.
- "0 games completed" taking up the entire objective screen. *
- Upgraded PUI's rolling back, and people losing the PUCs. *
- Unable to leave and claim rewards when doing Moments in co-op.
- Team record from "Team View" is broken. 1W = -1L(?).
- Latvia jersey and some players' pictures are missing.
- Some players have the wrong pack animation (<80 with 80+ and vice versa).
- 98 to 99 card upgrades cost 8 PUCs. For Defencemen, it's mostly faceoff stats.
- High value cards' maximum BIN fluctuates. eg. FH Bonk going from 3.4m to ~1.3m overnight.
- A lot of the time wingers/defenders are assigned to take draws on the PK, 4-on-4 or after an injury. Would be nice if a Centre was automatically selected, or if there were an option to select who takes faceoffs in these circumstances (in edit lines).
- Some card art layers show through.
- Load/menu screens being slower than last year (especially in EASHL).
- Tabbing to Xbox messages for more than 5-10s can crash your game.
- Mismatched play-by-plays names. Example: Wenatchee's being "the Ice".
- After game goal replays (Y on Xbox) don't work. *
- Replay camera bugs. *
- Black screen bug (lights out).
- Incorrect player information (height/weight/handedness).
- Only team name (HUT) or "EA PLAYER" (EASHL) showing for leaderboards.
- Light jerseys labelled dark and vice versa.
- Players appearing stuck in the boards after a line change.
- Cut scene bugs: Both teams on the same bench during end of game celly. Game winning celly on a normal goal. Penalty box cut scene - the player already inside of the box is shown entering.
- Goalie tether and on-ice suggestions turn themselves back on. *
- Inaccurate stats for players who are top in the category ie. McLeod/Jenner/Pavelski for Faceoffs, Doughty/Dobson for Endurance.
- Players have holes in their model. (Stomach area).
- Play-by-play: "he's/she's" mixed up, Patrik "Elias".
- Outdated fan models.
- X-factor ability stats aren't tracked properly.
- Broken physics in the new celebration cutscenes.
- After the net is knocked off, the netting remains behind.
- Hair styles (Langway) phases through helmet/looks bald.
- Visual bug: Wrong or grayed out background.
- Wrongful coin wipes + bans.
- Black on black text on PUI cards. Earlier in the year it happened in the post-game menu. *
- Helmet "ping" sound when shooting it off a helmet-less goalie.
- Autofill doesn't always prioritize untradeables.
- Exit and claim doesn't show on screen if the whistle is after a penalty.
- You can get the crosscheck animation (and penalty) with no stick in hand.
- (Fighting) Sometimes a player can't path correctly, other player with gloves dropped will abandon the fight, pick up their stick and rejoin the play.
- A fight will continue after a player is "black barred" and continues to get hit.
- Minimum player height is 5'5".
- Have the same Information/equipment across home/away/pro, or the ability to copy loadouts.
- Get rid of bags. People are not interested in having to open them solely for coins.
- ONES is shinny hockey. PWF/ENF builds shouldn't be the META for running interference on the goal leader.
- Change goalie fatigue for Open Practice. Constant black bar unless you AFK outside of the zone for a while.
- Shin/elbow pads as EASHL items.
- Cross-platform messaging.
- "Pick sticks" with 2 captains for drop-in games.
- Add the option to kick players from Club drop-ins.
- Bring Fantasy Hockey trade-in sets back for players on LTIR/Out indefinitely.
- Add an in-game tracker for Rush objectives.
- "Last price sold" for auction cards.
- Adjustments for packs/pack odds. It's upsetting pulling nothing but base cards from 30-100k packs this late in the year. (Save for these new random Maple Leaf packs). *
- Ability to rearrange or hide moments/sets.
- Bring the storage set back. *Added*
- Have separate player stats for Squad Battle and Rivals. Also, more stats. Faceoff %, hits, blocks, passing %, etc...
- Ability to skip all animations for PUI choice set packs.
- Filter option for autofill: NHL/non-NHL players.
- When refunding pucks, it should show the upgrade tiers original cost.
- Option to empty set to collection.
- Have the dates of the games on Game Day cards.
- Bring back the "Team Builders" collection. *Added*
- A "Lock player" option - to mark active duplicates and keep from auto-filling important players.
- Better autofill for Team Builder sets. Not having to send every excess 80+ back to collection before filling again.
- HUT Rush: have reverse hits, shot fake, breakaway dekes count toward points. Maybe add basic stick handles -- forehand>backhand, backhand>forehand, "triple deke".
- Give elite cards customizable X-Factor abilities.
- Good dynamic events like Movember for HUT.
- Add "show duplicates" for collectibles (from collection).
- GM Connected or a Fantasy type draft league mode.
- Add ability to configure synergies and see adjusted stats on cards you don't own.
- Add back trade messages. If not the full use, at least a practical system with a selection of messages.
- A 3rd option for year-long sets - aside from Team Builders and Ultimate PUI sets.
- Allow cards' stats to go over the 99 cap with synergies, stat based X-Factors, possible future chemistry.
- Add variants for year-long X-Factor/PUI/Fantasy Hockey/TOTY. Maybe for QoL, have variant trade-in sets during TOTY/TOTS. This would add a lot of longevity and value to these types of cards.
- Usable logos for defunct and relocated teams.
- Ability to cancel trades.
- Ability to select multiple cards to put in to the trade window.
- Have clearly shown original jersey numbers for cards.
- Updates for gameday and Fantasy cards on Monday/Thursday.
- TOTW/Live Moments sets for (tradeable > non tradeable+) and/or (lower OVR cards+ > higher OVR version of the same player).
- Create 3rd/alternate option for jerseys. Maybe add all the grey/yellow/ambiguous jerseys to this group.
- More J. Robertson type upgrade paths for cards.
- Have captaincy mean something. +2 for C/+1 for A again, or move the "Born Leader" X-Factor to captaincy.
- Authentic NHL coaches.
- Add practice mode to HUT.
- Have "Next Challenge" from end of game screen.
- "RB" button end of page while in sets. (Team Builders & Road to 99).
- Team Building more resemblant of The Show's. Get Team Builders back after completing them. Only have to complete every set once. Maybe increase the cost to adjust for changes.
- Get rid of Rivals only challenges. Only hurts offline player base.
- Some people getting negative escrow, can't "buy now" in auctions.
- Have your current chosen coach shown on your bench.
- A mode with a hugely raised AP cap.
- A mode with pre-made (something like TOTW) teams.
- RT99 collectible in daily challenges.
- Add a player name search filter.
- Many icon players never received upgrades.
Customization/Creation Zone:
- Add ability to create helmetless players.
- Adjust length of selected hair.
- More accurate goalie gear & colour for existing jerseys.
- Create your own logo/jersey/goalie helmet for both HUT and EASHL Club teams. (Indecent ones could be avoidable by not allowing overlapping logos/shapes/etc.) Also by updating the ban system.
- Create-a-play (maybe at least for the Powerplay).
- More WoC types of customization for HUT.
- Edmonton/Dallas face off light show are too bright & distracting.
- Option to turn off the full pressure on-ice graphic.
- Ability to skip the new celebrations (others have said: having them only for Overtime or Milestone goals). *Addressed*
- Better intermission highlights. Deke finishes, manual goalie saves, hat-trick recap, reverse hits.
- Bring back the 3 stars of the game.
- More attention to milestone achievements. A couple new presentation scenes like taping and marking the puck, pre-game ceremony of receiving a silver stick for 1000 games played.
- Referee helmet camera could be an interesting replay angle.
- Bring back real NHL rink/city footage for presentation.
- Bring back the raising of the Stanley Cup banner.
- Add jersey retirement ceremony for certain players.
- Add catfish, octopus, and rubber rats for Nashville, Detroit, Florida wins. (catfish and octopus for club options).
- Better matchmaking settings: later in the year, matchmaking falls off. Could be adjusted mid-way. There are also no settings for EASHL. Many times you get lobbies on opposites sides of the country.
- Ability to accept/decline all fights.
- Option to turn off gamertag appearing instead of player name.
- Overtime doesn't go on long enough.
- Penalties are overtuned. *Adjusted*
- Prohibited player names are too strict. Automated or outsourced system?
- Add "vision" player select.
- After leaving your zone with possession, pressure should clear faster. *Addressed*
- Official Discord ???
- Add back the analog stick input indicator (instant replay).
- The speed burst from hitting is unrealistic.
- Mercy rule for blow out games (~7 goals?).
- Incidental board contact to keep people from sticking the puck inside the boards.
- Add back the ability to swap starting goalie with your back-up during a game. *
- Good in-game polls - vote on changes. Could mean less community backlash.
- PWHL rules - jailbreak, best of three (and then) sudden death shootout.
- An official companion app. The community favourite HUTBuilder could use some help.
- Manual bat-in puck and swat puck/break up pass (R3).
- Bring back cuts and bruises after fights. Maybe add them after getting a high stick.
- More dekes - added standstill dekes, the Ribeiro, French poke, 1h shot, magic wand, maybe the "Zoro" or puck juggle.
- Add back faceoff formation in team strategies.
- Have refs clean up sticks/helmets after the play moves.
- Add niche things like flipping the puck to the ref after the whistle.
- A "Push puck" button could be a solution to the "self sauce".
- Playoff mode has no edit lines or strategies, retired jersey option doesn't work. *
- Add tournaments from other leagues: Spengler cup, Memorial cup.
- New attributes - backhand, poise, leadership (or something for morale/glue guys), more goalie stats...other stats could be tuned, like awareness & aggression.
- Add a "Circuit" game mode. Play different leagues, adding a player to your team after each win.
- Add an All-Star skills competition "mini-game". Passing/shooting accuracy, saucer accuracy, puck handling course, speed lap, one-timers.
- Ability to do pre-game warm-ups in BAP.
- GM Mode: Update injuries, allow editing of generated players, and bring back the Winter Classic and All-star games.
- Make the R3 shot fake momentarily freeze goaltenders in certain cases.
- Add back audio name preview.
- Add back in-game edit lines.
- Make the Kucherov fake deke viable. It's awkward to aim. You're constantly crashing in to the goalie. Goalie saves it 99% of the time.
- Have glass explode in "appropriate" modes like EASHL 3's, HUT Rush, games that are supposed to be from the older era.
- An X-Factor for behind the net -- Gretzky, Smyth office.
- Have player weight matter for glass breaking big hits.
- GM Mode: Expansion drafts years into a GM career.
- New sounds for things like the puck ringing around the boards.
Obviously some things are more important than others, and could be expounded upon.
Some things under Gameplay could be considered opinion.
* For "could use another look" or may have been fixed already.
Edit: Modified the subject to better reflect the content of the post. -CM