2 years ago
So I throw this out there every year, and sometimes maybe someone reads it and an update gets made (I was throwing Create a Team out there for years back in the early 2000s, and they finally added it...
I agree with you completely, also for once can we just get a polished game that actually feels finished, maybe a different story line for be a pro, it got old the 1st year it was in why are they still using it. I would be so happy if they even just brought back the winter classic game mode. I wish that they would give us back the controls and camera angles that they got rid of for no apparent reason. I would honestly prefer them to scrap the entire game and build it up from scratch, even if it takes a few years.
@csliff32 yes. This. Absolutely this. Tear down. Take a year off. Build something new. We've basically been paying for a reskinned slightly more glossy NHL 2019 for years. They keep throwing new clothes on a zombie each year and telling us it's fresh and alive. But hey, a mediocre C- of game still sells right? So why mess with the formula if they making that paper? I'm sure the money made off of this game is directly because of the fancy new hit animation or the new handstand celly certainly not that this is the only option for an NHL game. Bah. I gotta get off these forums. My pizza rolls is ready and I need to take my meds.