Forum Discussion
I also wanted to send you a video but it won't connect
Product: NHL 24
Platform:Xbox Series X
What is your gamertag/PSN ID? DirtyD2
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? When I try to play the HutRush 3v3 Flashback Hut Rush.
What happens when the bug occurs? The entire game closes.
What do you expect to see? My lineup does not have Claude Giroux in it. He was in my lineup when I selected my lineup, then all the sudden I had a 60 Lea Berger in my lineup
Was the issue in online or offline mode? Online
Insert Game Mode or Feature here HutRush 3v3 Flashback Hut Rush
What time did you see the bug? (HH:MM AM/PM) 04:00 PM
What is your time zone? CST - GMT - 6:00
EASHL issues? Please insert your Club Region. None
What is your game language? English
HutRush 3v3 Flashback Hut Rush Closes NHL 24 when I try play it. I can’t complete the challenges and get the rewards as I have done for the other HutRush challenges. Please help.
- 2 years ago
The hur rush with claud keeps crashing every time I try to play it on my Xbox one. It's really annoying because I always grind this for the rewards and it's like a total hard lock before a total crash. I hope we get the benefit of the doubt and we just get the rewards despite EAs seeming total lack of action on this issue.
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