5 months agoNew Traveler
Ability Theories
Let's talk about the Zone and Superstar abilities and break it down to a science here. Pushes up my nerdy glasses
I'd like to know if I'm wasting ability slots by pairing certain abilities together, or if I am pairing abilities to compliment each other.
- Does the Puck on a String toe drag help the Shock and Awe?
- Unstoppable Force help with Relentless?
- Truculence add power to the Back At Ya?
- Unstoppable Force add better strength to Big Rig?
- Heat Seeker with Shnipe, Make it Snappy, do they work at the same time?
- Magnetic add better corralling of the puck with the Crease Crasher?
Some other questions about abilities that help in certain situations. Such as,
- Total controls drag shot work with Shock and Awe?
- No Contest help with face-offs?
- Seeing Eye work on human goalies?
Feel free to add whatever you think is working in theory. There is so many questions about these. Hopefully EA can confirm some of these.