I do appreciate that, Aljo. Honestly.
It's also funny you mentioned the thing about gliding vs skating. I was just in a game where I was having to defend a bunch of 2-on-1 type of passes, and one of the passes I actually grabbed was one where I stopped skating. I absolutely see what you're talking about and have actually noticed this in past games.
If I could offer some feedback, however, I would point out that, especially since the meta in the game is still speed, not being able to reliably pick up pucks unless I, as a defender, stop skating, is a really unfair task. Because, if I stop skating, these 95 speed forwards are just going to blow right by me, and it's been my experience that these forwards don't have to glide to pick up pucks, nor do they need to be facing the puck.
It seems really counterintuitive that in order to defend better, I have to put myself in a worse position.
I also completely agree that there shouldn't be a guarantee of an interception. In real hockey, a guy can be in perfect position and the puck will sometimes just find that perfect bit of daylight and elude the defender. I think that's fair. What my issue with plays like we see in this clips isn't that they happen, it's the rate at which they happen. These kinds of passes simply eluding players with good defensive abilities and good positioning just happen too frequently.