Forum Discussion

p0tvin2929's avatar
3 hours ago

EA NHL API Issue (proclubs)

There seems to be an issue with the EA Proclubs NHL API for certain teams to get match details.

For example the team “M E N”  or  “The Simpsons” will show no match details from the API but other teams like “Violent Gentlemen” have no issues and displays match details.  

M E N (clubId 2555) -

shows nothing for M E N >> screen shot attached 

Violent Gentlemen (clubId 1019) -

Successfully shows their match details… screen shot attached.

Can someone look into this issue?



  • Just confirming I'm seeing the same thing.  Some clubs that have obviously played games have no game history according to the API.

    p0tvin2929What kind of games did you play, public or private?   Are the games still visible from within NHL 25?  Are the clubs you played still active or did they disband?