Forum Discussion

Justianhael's avatar
New Novice
6 hours ago

Enough is enough

 I can't continue to support this game or this company for that matter. Year after year I've defended this game thinking next year will be different. Since NHL 21 it's the same game year after year and if anything seems to somehow get worse. I'm done with this franchise and this company.  Good riddance!!!

  • There is little to no difference between this and the last 4 games. Pricey pond hockey.....Goalie is unplayable. Menus slow and laggy again. It feels exactly the same as 24 which felt the same as 23 which felt the same as 22 which felt the same as 21

    • Stubo_NHL24's avatar
      Seasoned Traveler

      Feels nothing like 24 or any recent release bro.  I've played it pretty much since it was released other than 4 hours sleep.  

      Its actually amusing watching people trying to play it like its 24 with next to no success. Playing the game as if it was real hockey has been far more rewarding.  

      UI in most cases are different, gameplay  is totally different, new modes added or upgraded.  

      I don't see whats not to like unless you're having technical issues. 



  • Try playing goalie ..the presentation or lack there of ..the laggy menus's all the **bleep** same game. I can't tell a difference between this and one honestly can tell me they can I less they are planted here by EA which wouldn't surprise me. 

    • Stubo_NHL24's avatar
      Seasoned Traveler

      If you read my posts on the 24 forum you'd know I have nothing to do with EA. 🤣