ItsInThisGame wrote:- Back to basics
Elaborate. This may sound profound to you, but it provides zero direction to anyone analyzing feedback.
ItsInThisGame wrote:This is hockey game. Stop clowning around and dont turn the game into fortnite.
EA has shareholders to appeal to. They observe the market trends and lean on industry experts to guide them in how to evolve the game to attract new players. Unfortunately, this doesn't always jive with what some other fans of the series want. It's a balancing act and expecting EA to be the first gaming company in history to release a game or an update the appeals to 100% of the consumer-base is incredibly naive.
ItsInThisGame wrote:You are focusing on all the wrong things with your very limited resources.
Elaborate. Again, this may seem like a profound statement in your head, but it really means nothing without more detail. Provide some actionable feedback rather than trying to sound like an authority on the subject.
ItsInThisGame wrote:Dont add any silly hats or costumes. This will probably only interest a fraction of the players. In CHEL (6v6) someone had somekind monster hat -> REMOVE THIS KIND OF THINGS. THESE ARE NOT PART OF A PROFESSIONAL HOCKEY.
Chill. You do you. If you don't like hats, don't put one on your player. This isn't "professional hockey" - this is a videogame. If you want a sterilized hockey experience, there's plenty of modes that offer a purists' version of the game.
ItsInThisGame wrote:When the basics of the game are working (almost) perfectly and you have some extra time then you can invent new things for the game example: new 3v3 game mode where you can add those stupid hats (ONLY IN THIS GAME MODE) etc if you like. Before that -> Full focus on the Basics.
The 'basics' of the game will never function "perfectly". Hockey is a sport that is inherent with bounces and strokes of luck. Whenever these elements are introduced by a game developer, people on the bad side of those outcomes will always complain it's unfair. Always. It's a story as old as time.
If you start removing the bounces and luck, the game becomes a linear goal-for-goal back and forth purely arcade experience. If you want a mode that has no human responsibility for how you're controlling a player or a mode that has black & white possession rules with no adherence to player attribute parity - go play NHL Arcade.
ItsInThisGame wrote:If something works well and no one has complained about it -> DO NOT CHANGE IT (matchmaking).
I'm with you on this, but sometimes they're changing things based on data we can't see. In my opinion, the WoC population is starting to thin out across the plethora of modes available, and in an effort to improve matchmaking times, EA has removed any matching of team size or even skill-based matchmaking. This is a sign of a dwindling population, but I don't think it's because less people are playing it, it's because people are spread out.