Forum Discussion

Timba101's avatar
Rising Novice
2 days ago

Help us understand


Look I know I have been very critical of EA (Live, Madden, and NHL) on twitter and social media in general. I am not afraid of putting a few expletives and so on when referring to how the management and implementation of monetization and gameplay mix come to us the players. Yet, Ill attempt to have discourse on the topic of Matchmaking. 

Last year I said the same thing. I feel you all are getting in your own way of success with the minor things. So please help us understand the thought process behind removing options from matchmaking to better match, Goalie, Party size, and region? Why remove this. now sometimes we are stuck with 145 ping, constant opposition backing out because of the afore mentioned and removed options.  Just why?

Next please provide insight on why on next gen consoles the load times are so horrible. the main point of the technology was to minimize it and you all can't figure it out on either console. So help us understand why? 

Finally, gameplay issues. Near post goals when the goalie obviously has it covered and is hard committed to the near post. then there is the PUCK PROTECT JITTER to either shot or deke! why is that not mitigated yet? Also, the hit immunity of many SKATERS just because they are gliding on in puck protect UNLESS you have 88+ hitting. To add to that why is bumping and tie up in front of net so ineffective?

overall give proper reason why these changes were made or not made to better the game?




  • Halfa_Starr's avatar
    Seasoned Traveler

    This is one of the tamer posts I've seen regarding this Match Club Size issue and they're STILL not responding to it...which should be a massive red flag.

    Pokes are a little OP'd, and I say that as a two-way guy who does utilize poke check defensively...they're just a bit too effective especially from bad position.

    It's STILL open season on forwards in front of the net...I mean there's clearing the net and then there's flat out interference...9 of 10 times it's the latter, especially when you're sent flying into the corner.

    I agree on the ballerina style-gliding...unless you're running DFD or ENF you're not even bumping them.

    Goalies are letting in WAY too many soft goals...again