Forum Discussion
Appreciate the feedback.
People don't go flying in every direction every time a check is dealt out, and it is rather unusual for players to go flying through the air and landing 5 meters away after a check. The dev team seem to be rather childish and think it's really cool to see people constantly flying about... it isn't.
How far a player travels from a hit depends on how hard they're hit. It would be good to see some video examples of ones that are unrealistic to you. Of course, this is a video game and the physics aren't going to be perfect.
Not every shot hits the goalies arm and then deflects down into the goal. Im not sure why the devs seem to think this is how goals are scored.
While I've seen these happen more in 25 than previous games, I haven't seen it happen on every shot. So, it would be good to see what you're experiencing. This is why video is so crucial to these reports. All good if you can't get it. We'll keep an eye out for others reporting the same thing.
It is possible for teammates to get out of the way of a shot or to try and deflect the shot on goal. For some reason the devs feel AI players on the human controlled team should just stand in front of a shot and let it hit them, blocking the shot.
I've seen my own teammates jump over a shot many times. In the case of blocked shots they can see and react to, it would be good to have them get out of the way more. My concern is that this would just make the D 2 D one Ts we get a lot of complaints about even deadlier.
The speed of skating and passing are now oddly out of balance, players skate too fast and the passes are too slow, which means the puck often just bounces back and forth in some kind of frantic ping pong fashion. The speed the game had before this "update" was balanced... the passing speed was faster than the skating speed. I'm not sure if you were trying to react to players who felt the game was to slow, but this was a major overreaction and clearly not tested.
There were no changes in the update that would have affected this. Speed was not adjusted for the game as a whole or passing/skating. In my own play, I haven't noticed any differences. Again, we would need video showing whare you're experiencing in order to see if there are any issues or not.
Thanks again for all the feedback. Absolutely appreciate you keeping it constructive.
Thank you.
I really wonder what accounts for the difference in experiences we are having. I played a playoff where I reached the conference finals, then the game just got silly.
In replays you could see my players flying when no hits where made... or when the opponent was behind me and the animation showed their player raising his arm slightly, there was no contact with my player but he would go flying far away. This sort of thing unfortunately happened very frequently and just looked funny. What is also a result of this is the high amount of times the glass shatters due to a hit. I am not expecting complete realism when it comes to hits, but right now it's just childishly comical.
Also weird things were happening where there was an animation with their stick going through the back of my player who then fell, not penalty was given but it looked more like their player was playing different animations through each other. Again just looked plain silly.
Before the update I freqently scored off of deflected shots, my players would really react well. Now they just stand there and get hit by the puck. I have no longer even seem an attempt to deflect or to move. It's not that deflections are happening less, it's not happening at all. My players block a hell of a lot of shots.
Another issue was the AI team being able to pass the puck 180 degrees with perfect accuracy while being pinned against the boards. There was not even a proper animation to account for this... but it happened several times a match.
The speed of the skating and passing has changed for me. If you say the update hasn't changed that I believe you were told that and that the dev team think they have not changed it directly. However the movement and passing has been effected by something, so either I'm having a one off experience which is very odd... or they have overlooked an issue effecting this.
Have there been any tuner updates? are there any set for release?
Again, I truly believe this update has made the experience of playing the game much worse. It's sad because for me the biggest issues such as the menu speed has not been fixed, yet the core gameplay is just much worse. I truly think the Dev team need to really think about what kind of game they want (either more realistic or more arcade) but not mix and match the two styles and try to appease everyone and end up just annoying everyone with an idiosyncratic game.
- EA_Aljo2 months ago
Community Manager
There was a tuner in patch 1.3.0 that made these changes:
- Reduced Accuracy bonus from successfully performed Skill Based One-Timers
- Be a Pro bench recovery increased
Otherwise, there have been no tuner updates.
Unfortunately, without video of what you're experiencing, there really isn't anything I can bring up to the team. it's imperative we see how the game is behaving for you. If you get any, let me know and I'll gladly pass them on to the team. I have seen a couple of instances where a hit animation didn't line up with the player they hit though.
A stick phasing through a player shouldn't make them fall. Most likely, they also made contact with another player that caused this to happen.
No changes were made to deflections so not sure why you're seeing less of them. They have been pretty uncommon for my club this year in general. Did you change your strategies so they're setting up in front of the net more?- Spokesman012 months agoSeasoned Adventurer
I seem to be stuck with tuner V.1.00. I have been asked which version to use and I told it to always use the latest tuner. However there is still only V.1.00. Could you please tell me a work around to download the latest tuner. This could very well the be why the game feels as bad for me at the moment as it does.
- Spokesman012 months agoSeasoned Adventurer
Tuner Version 1.3.0 Does not show up for me. I only have V.1.00. I have set it to always use the latest tuner, but it simply doesn't appear. Is there a manual way to download the latest tuner?
"A stick phasing through a player shouldn't make them fall. Most likely, they also made contact with another player that caused this to happen." - Nope. It shouldn't make them fall, but as of the last patch there seems to be an error here. Maybe play for a bit and you will see yourself.
- EA_Aljo2 months ago
Community Manager
There is no tuner for 1.3.0. That's a patch version. Not a tuner version.
I'll keep an eye out for the contact you're mentioning.
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