Forum Discussion

HighTmatthew's avatar
Seasoned Novice
4 hours ago

Mind boggling AI

It blows my mind how we still have AI that can get skated directly passed by any player with max speed.


No skill, just holding up on their left stick up and get a free breakaway.


Every. Single. Time.

  • It would appear that EA's intentions, defensively, for '25 is to make defenders stay back to an unrealistic degree.

    For instance, take a look at this recent comment by the community manager regarding their defensive playstyle adopted for '25:

     I've mostly been playing WoC and haven't been seeing a lot of breakaways. I also play pretty conservative D and tend not to cross the blue line unless all opposing players are deep enough in their zone.

    In my opinion, an NHL caliber skater should be able to enter the o-zone if the puck is below the hash marks and still be able to generate enough speed to match most puck carriers should a turnover happen and the defense needs to retreat. 

    Having so sit back outside of the o-zone to anticipate a streaking forward, might be something you need to do when playing Tuesday night pickup hockey, but not in the NHL.

    Backskating top speed needs to be upped just enough so that most players aren't being burned constantly for maintaining proper positioning in the O-Zone. 

    Not calling for a full buff, but something that allows adept defenders to remain parallel with puck carrier and recipients. It seems the offensive players get a slight speed buff as they approach the net. 

    Watch Yakupov here. His insane burst of speed through the neutral zone and while entering the o-zone is crazy


    • EA_Aljo's avatar
      Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

      That comment I made about playing conservative is also based on my style of play. I did that in previous games. I don't spend all game in the NZ. I just make sure I don't get caught behind the play should there be a turnover, which normally leads to an odd man rush or 2 on 0. I also haven't spent time building a speedy loadout. I think my speed and accel are 91. So, I have to keep my slower speed in mind when compared to small, fast forwards.

      As far as a speed burst in that clip goes, it's hard to notice, but they are also hustling. It's going to take a few strides to get up to speed.