No reward for effort
I've been a dedicated and committed player and customer of the NHL franchise since NHL 94 on the sega Genesis. This years NHL 25 product is by far the biggest sham ive ever experienced. I am a world of Chel guy, I have no interest in any other game modes but world of Chel easchl clubs. I want to give my feedback on why this game is a mess and I will list all my issue ls below...
1: why even after the last update are my vision passing icons still not appearing unless my club faces a team in division 10 or any of the lower divisions yet when we play a division 1 or 2 team they are non existent.?
2: why is it harder to score against A.I goalies when we play against the bad teams. Why do these bad teams get to beat us while we have triple the time on attack and over double the shots with the majority of the shots being quality opportunities only for a bad team to go down and flick their stick and our goalie lets in all the softies.
3: what is the point of a full pressure system that a team earns if the A.I goalies are able to make the craziest most unrealistic saves with zero energy...? How is that at all realistic.
4: why is drop in rp tied in with club rp? Why is there no rp multiplier for winning multiple games in a row? Why is a individual players rp a result of the teams success or failures? If I play exceptionally well but my team sucks why should my rp be negatively affected.
5: Why can't we choose to play against the exact team size in chel clubs like we were able to do in years past?
6: why are hip checks so overpowered and who though it was a smart idea to map it along with the Michigan goal to one button? Where is the skill gap in that?
7: to summarize all of the above, I feel and I am sure a lot of others feel this way as well... The good teams aren't rewarded for good high level playing anymore. The game doesn't feel authentic, the game is full of unnecessary animations, things we liked were taken away from us, while things we don't care about have been more emphasized on. NHL 14 was the best version of the NHL franchise. Bring back NHL 14 in a remastered form!
Id love to hear some feedback from other dedicated Chel players who demand change and improvements and also who would be in favor of bringing back NHL 14 in a current gen form!?