Forum Discussion
58 Replies
- jontti953 months agoNewcomer
Same problem on Series X & Tv, across Squad Battles, Rivals and Champs.
- Kiernaan3 months agoNew Traveler
I am having the same issue on series S, in squad battles, rivals, champs and the menus.
I have tried to fight through a few games of rivals, and it feels like I'm playing on the worst connection possible, a few of the games I completed I didn't even receive the XP from completing the game,but I still received the skill rating points for the win.
When the game cuts from goal screen to face off it's so slow that it keeps up the pictures of the hut cards from the previous screen.
and no, it's not my Internet. Everything is perfect on my end.
- Ghostface3813 months agoRising Newcomer
Same issue as everyone else. All hut modes have a stutter.
- JustAGamerOwO3 months agoRising Adventurer
Yeah it's quite unplayable. It's not even normal stutter anymore it's just choppy like the frame pacing is wrong or something. Missed out on champs because of this and not gonna play any matches before it's fixed because it just feels so bad to play with this.
EA really needs to fix this. Can't just release broken update and then wait months to fix it. We paid full AAA price for the game and im fed up with all the technical issues.
- EA_Aljo3 months ago
Community Manager
Hello. We are currently investigating this. We'll make an announcement when we have an update. Thanks!
- a-rude-narwhal3 months agoNew Rookie
I have noticed it appears to get worse with time, and doesn’t appear to happen in free skate. Most of the first period I played of my first game yesterday seemed to be without issue, may be a coincidence though. Stutters started and continued into the next game
- randytharam3 months agoNewcomer
I can also confirm. This is really bad for gameplay. Bad enough the rewards are terrible now the gameplay matches with fps stuttering on series x
- Syzic3 months agoNew Novice
After the update with Pwhl Womens league , there is no longer icon passing “ vision passing “ it might pop up the odd time but its gone offline and online , But thats not even the worst problem the game is barley playable now due to desync or lag or whatever buggy stutter glitchyness is happening , i took a screen record of some gameplay so u can see the stutter , as you can imagine when u go to line up a Body check or a Shot or pass and it stutters it completly messes you up making the game barley playable ….. ill send u the video if you give me an email or if i can figure out how to post it on here
i was playing hockey ultimate team doing Hut moments challanges in the video and it is stuttering lagging constantly offline
- Syzic3 months agoNew Novice
Can somone at ea just go test your game and see how broken it is now , no icon passing which you tweeted on twitter but you said its only online when in fact its offline too well offline in hockey ultimate team , and the stutter is so bad please check ur game and see how broken it is and fix it , im gonna be calling for a refund its un playable
- EA_Aljo3 months ago
Community Manager
We are ware of the stuttering issue and are investigating it.
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