Here is something about tick rate Tick rate: What is it and how can it affect your gaming experience? | nbn (
FIFA people have the same problem, go to their forums and there are even more people there complaining about input lag because more people play FIFA than NHL.
When you are playing an online game vs someone, unless both people have same ISP, decent dl/ul speeds, latency, packet loss, etc. (which statistically never occurs unless you are playing your neighbor with same setup) one person will always have slight advantage. It is less noticeable in less twitchy games or games with high server tick rates or games with multiple players connecting like BRs, and that is why your daughter prob doesn't notice it as much.
Take Warzone for example. You can see some of these streamers have insane 4k dollar PC setups and on-screen display shows that some of them have latency 5-10ms. I connect to WZ on my XBX and I get 40-50ms latency, yet I still can kill that guy sometimes bc everything in the game isn't dependent on the focus of one thing, the puck or ball.
I can be hiding and shoot him in the back or maybe he went aggressive and put himself in vulnerable spot. I can throw a grenade and get a lucky down, someone else can be shooting at him and when he is distracted, I can get a few shots in and kill him etc. But in the gulag 1v1 he probably would kill me 8/10 times and a lot has to due to that connection.
NHL and FIFA are basically a 1v1 in the gulag, and connection is king. The other person seems faster than your guy because he is getting the information slightly sooner than you and responding slightly sooner than you can.
I am not a network person, my cousin works for Amazon in NY as a networking engineer or something, so he gave me his opinion on what is happening.
Basically said that most traffic is routed towards big interchanges and from their they ride on dedicated AWS connections and unless your hops from your house to those interchanges are bad, latency would be better closer you are to the target region.
Look at the list of AWS datacenters. With all being equal (similar skill, similar players, decent dl/ul etc.) the closer you are to a datacenter, the more advantage you have. Dl/Ul speeds means very little to online gaming, playing online uses very little band with as opposed to streaming Netflix or downloading a game. Unless you trying to play when 5 other people are online in your house and even then you can get your router to prioritize gaming with DMZ, QoS, reducing buffer bloat, tons of things.
Shifting back to p2p would help, but I don't think we will ever go back to that because IP booters and DDOS etc. P2P benefits me in that if I connect to HabsFan2022 and he obviously has the connection and I prob not going to beat him, maybe next time we connect I get the connection and it will be harder for him. With dedicated server, every time I connect with him he has significant advantage and that is never going to change.
So what can EA do? I guess upgrade servers to increase tick rate and reducing the amount of maximum buffer between when gameplay information is received by the game and when it is visually rendered on the screen, like they did with FIFA few years back for like a week lol