@rrsha3 OR you can install the Nvidia Geforce Now app from play store, and if it isn't available on play store then you can go for the APK and install it. if you cant install the APK it means your not in DEVELOPER MODE. It will reset your system but with google, you'll have nearly everything back to normal. Now on Nvidia Geforce Now, Create an account and you'll be done. from here on out if you have any games on steam then you can play them at graphics that even your "gaming pc" can't handle and fps your pc is dreaming of achieving but never will. ok back to sims... NOW open Apex Legends (DW were not gonna play apex legends, but sims...) and from there sign in with your Origin. and if apex legends STARTS don't CLOSE it or in any way terminate the game. you can so after you installed sims. you're in the game now.. how do you go to the origin menu?? well, you cant... BUT if you this way. hold shift and F1 or shift and +. you'll get an origin menu-overlay from there go on the browser of origin and go on origin.com . From there go to the game you want to play and launch it it will ask you something but just press on "Launch Origin" after that, it will launch origin and will ask you to agree and accept the Download... Now you have your PC game on your Chromebook running at 3000fps and maxed graphics..but hold up is it really that easy??... I'm sorry to say but NO... the game won't save on CLOUD like other games on GFN. so every time you startup GFN and launch apex legends your "game" will be removed, but you can also just download it again and it's pretty quick so if u can wait around 20m-1h then try it. but if you get bored quickly and dont know what to do... you can use the browser to play some music but just don't sign in with your Gmail/yt/Fb or any other accounts Apart from Origin. If you have to do it, Do it at your own risk as i haven't got a clue if it's safe or not... Also if you don't want to use the browser then just start apex legends and play it till your download is finished (WARNING: Your session will terminate if you leave GEFORCE NOW SESSION idling. TRY to touch or move the cursor in apex legends every 2-25mins.)