My Apex Legends is stuck on resuming.
- 6 years ago
Found this in a youtube chat thread and so far it's working.
Go to Origin Top left Corner > Go Offline > The X button should now be available on the download > click that and cancel download > go to top left corner again and now go online > game should start downloading "preparing" and start back up again.
For me it started back up and then it got to another error that is common which is it got stuck at 8.46 GB. If you get that hit cancel. Which will stop the download. Then go to "My Game Library" in origin. Right click the game and click Repair. That should verify the game files again and then resume your download. I'm now downloading will update if it breaks again but so far so good.
Good luck, Have Fun, god speed.
EA Community managers update your support articles. If a download has already started and then stopped it shouldn't be a firewall issue there is no need to open ports. Something on EA broke not on our side.