Forum Discussion
208 Replies
- Anonymous10 years ago
I recently attempted to sign up for an Origin account under the username qwertymodo. This is a username that I have used for over 10 years on dozens of sites without any issue, and one of my criteria in choosing it initially was that it not be offensive. However, apparently Origin disagrees with me and every other company I've done business with in that time on what is and is not considered an acceptable username, as I was told when attempting to sign up that "ID contains a prohibited word or character". I attempted to resolve this through phone and chat support. During my initial phone support, I was told that they could not determine why the username was being rejected, but that they would call me back with more information. That was a week ago, and I've heard nothing. So today, I contacted support again via live chat. During this chat, I was disconnected twice and when I finally did manage to speak to somebody long enough to present the issue, I was again told that they couldn't determine why the name was rejected, but that they could escalate the case so that I would be able to find that out. I just received confirmation that the case was closed with no further information.
Look, I understand why you have this system in place. I get that you are trying to sort out offensive usernames. But the fact of the matter is, you have an overzealous automated system. In addition to that, your support staff can't even tell me why the system flagged the username. Even if I wanted to try to modify the name to fit the rules, I wouldn't be able to because nobody will tell me where the problem lies. However, as I said, I've used this name for over 10 years. It's basically my online identity, and telling me that I can't use it with your service is basically asking me to change that identity, which I have no interest in doing UNLESS SOMEBODY CAN TELL ME WHAT THE PROBLEM IS. Even then, given the fact that I've spend over an hour with support being run around, given no help, disconnected multiple times, told that I would receive a callback, or that my case was being escalated, only to find that neither was true, I'm really at the point of simply saying that I will take my business elsewhere.
If my post comes across as rude or demanding, it's only because I tried being polite, only to get treated like * by support. I'm just looking for a simple answer to my question. If there is no way to manually review usernames and override the automated flagging, then the system needs to be changed, because obviously it's broken. - EA_Nils10 years ago
Community Admin
@NotTheIDIWanted Hi Qwertymodo,
Unfortunately there currently isn't any system in place that would allow an EA Game Advisors to manually whitelist a user name, such as yours.
I have inquired whether it would be possible to review the current rule that flags your user name as invalid. I suspect the main issue is that many users abuse the letter combination qwerty during user name creation to create a throwaway account instead of coming up with an actual name. I don't have any direct insight however, so take this with a grain of salt.
Sorry to necro an old post, but is there any update on this issue?
I'm looking to change my name to match my main account, which also has the string "qwerty" in it.
- Anonymous10 years ago
For me, I can use TheFuzzyWaffle, but cannot use FuzzyWaffle52 (which I prefer). any hope for me?
- EA_Nils10 years ago
Community Admin
@wordyg33ks Unfortunately no changes have been made.
@thefuzzywaffle Not aware of why this specific combination should be blocked. Did you try searching for friends with that specific name to rule out that someone else has claimed it already?You could also try whether another number combination is available to go with the name..
same problem I don't see how Cygnus X1 is offensive, it's the name of a star
Well thank god for * EA and it's horrible service...
Always the Epitome of awful, awful.I would like to change my origin ID... from fantomactual to Nightmare-ACTUAL and it keeps telling me "id has already been registered"
And what the * does that even * mean? there is NO ONE ELSE IN THE BATTLELOG with the name.... I AM THE ONLY ONE WITH IT.
Thank you EA for your horrible * service as always, the epitome OF *....
And to think I was thinking of playing Battlefield 4 again, but with this level of awful ill go back to better * games, like ARMA and Squad... Who's support station actually work and aren't total failures, guess I will go back to playing better developed games than this piece of * game.
- EA_Nils9 years ago
Community Admin
I have checked our database to confirm and there indeed is someone already that has registered that ID.
I would suggest to change the name by adding or replacing one character if you would still like to use it.
I noticed the same thing, all of my normal game names have been taken and it would only let me use one if I added 1990 to yet none of them are on the user list if you search them. It makes me like origin less than I already do.
That is by far the most * * I have ever heard. If someone has it, they copied my steam name. which has been in effect for a while now.
Look up that name on google and the only thing tha twill come up are MY community projects, I tried several different version of it and yet still it says the same thing
Your datebase is horrible and dysfunctional, thank you EA for providing horrible games and horrible service, thank you for nothing.
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