So, I decided to take advantage of the 50% off promo code today to pick up a few pieces of DLC for a couple of games, and sad to say, I found the whole process completely painful, unnecessarily time-consuming and generally off-putting.
Instead of being able to browse the store at my leisure and select the various items I wanted to buy and add them into a single shopping cart, the only option available is "Buy Now", which immediately prompts for payment information. No option to Add to Cart, no option to continue shopping... just "YOU PAY NOW".
Well, aside from being a bit confrontational (I mean, slow down here, Origin; what happened to good old conversation and getting to know each other first?) it was also inconvenient, being that I wanted to purchase two Sims 4 game packs. Still, I persevered and found that upon getting to the order confirmation page, it did at least deign to suggest that I might like to purchase other game packs as well, so in the end, I was able to add the second item I wanted to the order and get them both at the same time. Not an ideal way to go about buying multiple items, but I supposed it was better than nothing. I added my promo code, all good, confirmed purchase, went on my way.
The whole experience was a bit flustering, however, and it wasn't until after I was done that I realised I should also take the opportunity to buy the two Spoils packs I was missing for Dragon Age Inquisition. Given my experience with the Sims 4 packs, I clicked BUY on the first piece, assuming that when I once again got to the order confirmation screen, it would offer the additional content to me. It did not. -.- Rather, I had to go back to the store again, and buy the other Spoils pack individually.
In the end, the entire process not only took far longer than it rightly should have, but was also a total hassle. Instead of being able to add everything to one consolidated cart, I ended up having to make my purchases in 3 separate transactions. And I can only assume this will always be the case where someone wants to buy games or content from different franchises, as they would not offered as 'related products' at the final confirmation screen.
TL;DR version: For the love of God, please consider bringing back the global Shopping Cart. The way things are now actually makes it harder (and therefore, less attractive) to make purchases of multiple items. ☹️