Forum Discussion
Hey, I have had a fresh reinstall of windows done in a pc repair shop. Since then, I have installed PvZ:BfN and it didn't start; it had the same problem as before. I have upgraded to Windows 11, still an unsuccessful start, but an 0xc0000005 error (Application was unable to start correctly) showed up. I have then done the following.
Cleared the origin cache,
Ran system file checker, no violations detected
Uninstalled/reinstalled easy anti-cheat,
Repaired the game,
Ran Origin and the game both in Administrator,
I mentioned earlier that my wife was having the same problem with this game, but after an Origin update, is now working properly.
Here's my dx
Hi, I am having the same problem. The game stopped working and Origin refuses to start.
How or where did you find an update?
- 3 years ago@Ericyugy208 The update showed up as a content patch with a refresh link at the top of the Origin window. It seemed as though Origin had auto-updated and just needed to be refreshed to finish up.
- 3 years ago
Thanks 4 the advice but it still doesn't work for me
I must have a different issue
- EA_Darko3 years ago
Community Manager
Hey @Ericyugy208 you will need to provide a little more info as to the issue you are having. The more info you can share the better.
- 3 years ago
Whenever I try to open the game from steam or from the shortcut, it shows origin loading but there is no screen showing the actual game loading.
In the task manager it shows that origin loads but then it just doesn't load the game
- 3 years ago
Hi All,
I'm having the same issue.
I think it may be related to the Anti Cheat app that is attached to the game's launcher exe file.
I've tried launching the game as an administrator using the file path - "C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\PVZ Battle for Neighborville" and it still won't launch.
I think uninstalled Anti Cheat and it comes up saying 'Anti Cheat is not installed' which it needs to in order to launch the game, even tough I've launched the game using the above path.
When I went to install Anti Cheat again, there are several games in there but no "PVZ" is not an option, the only options in the P category are 'Picnic' and a few others, but no Anti Cheat for 'Plants vs Zombies'.
My understanding is that there should be on that has it for 'Plants vs Zombies' and once installed then it should launch the game.
I've attached a screenshot of Anti Cheat setup showing only 'Picnic' - I've scrolled up and down the list but can't find it.
Perhaps this is the root cause?
- 3 years ago
In addition to the above, I have PVZ Garden Warfare 2 on the same PC and it works, just the Battle for Neighborville doesn't.
I suppose it is because of the Anti Cheat launcher, but I could be wrong.
- 13 days ago
The only way to fix it is to reinstall Windows. There are simply no alternatives.
I am so tired of EA software solutions that break and don't work right out of the box, it's terrifying how they can release something like that on the market. For me, EA games are often not even considered for purchase because of the problem of access to them.
I don't play PVZ anymore, I fix it to play...
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