Not sure if I should start a new thread or post here but I have the same problem and the above steps have not solved this.
I have been playing the game for a few months with no problem. The last time I had the game working was yesterday 21/8 and today ( i believe there had been a windows update) the game will not launch. I get the error Invalid game executable: C:\Program Files(x86)\Origin Games\Apex\R5Apex.exe
I have tried repair through Origin
I have tried uninstalling through Origin and re installing
I tried repairing again
all leads to the same error.
In the folder there is no R5Apex.exe file but there is an r5apexdata.bin file if that matters.
the spec of my machine is low but has been fine up until now.
Processor Type: Intel Core i5 2nd Gen
• Processor Speed: 3.00GHz x 4
• Graphics Processing Type: 4GB GTX1650
• Graphics Card Connections : DVI - D x 1, HDMI x 1
• Memory: 8GB DDR3
Please help as I want carry on with Iron Man !! 🙂