Creepy and cute not showing up / Not working
I have spore on the EA app and everything works fine. But I can't get creepy and cute to work. I have it bought, installed on my system but whenever I open in, whether it be spore or galactic adventures, it doesn't show up. All my creations are locked and I can't use it's parts in the creature creator. I've tried some troubleshooting, like clearing the cache of the EA app, reinstalling spore, reinstalling the EA app, repairing the app via the launcher's feature, but nothing so far has worked. Anybody that can help me? I've tried contacting support but they haven't helped much.
Ok, I figured it out. I had to install spore in my D drive. If you install it in the C drive it will not work, for some reason. This explains why it only functions off of steam because it was installed in my D drive, but steam didn't have C&C with it.
Thanks for the help!