Forum Discussion
229 Replies
Played this game for about an hour and have not touched it since.
Me and my wife went back to playing Rory McIlroy PGA tour.
@tmimp67 wrote:Another patch, another non-acknowledgement from EA on the most commented on single issue on their own forums.
Well done EA, well done!
Damn right tmimp67, this is such a frustrating issue for me. It's actually the main reason I brought it. Do you know the biggest annoying aspect of this? My mate uses his character on the couch coop mode he earns XP, guess what? I don't! Coz obviously im having to use a pro. all those 20k Xp hits he has that I haven't had. It's woefully poor and if the fix never comes would be very disappointing. I remember when EA we kings of the gaming world. Get it done and make your long standing customers happy.Exactly this. My buddy and I were so bummed out I literally have not turned on the game again. I imagine this thread will rejoice whenever EA gives out refunds or they fix this ridiculous shortcoming.
This has to be the worst golf game ever by EA .simple things missing from the game like alternate shot,the most normal game mode in a golf game even there own original Tiger Woods had it.Poor and simply slack fore thought,what idiot was behind the structure of this game,did u not check your gaming opponents? Obviously not,idiots.
Putting is just hit and miss ,this game is a waste of £70 amd I have nonway to reimburse myself because I have had it too long waiting for fixes ,last EA sports game I ever buy poor ,2k23 pisses all over this ,half ya heads in shame, u have best looking game but it plays like a bag of spanners
Could you check if this glaring issue will be corrected in next patch, thank you.
Local multiplayer with custom golfers are must!Not only isn't it possible to play a round with more than one locally created custom player on the PS5, but it's also not possible to assign a controller to a player. All controllers are able to control a given player. If I'm "Player 2, Controller 2" and I just finished my turn and the game moves to "Player 1" for example, if I press a button on my controller prior to "Player 1, Controller 1" pressing a button control of "Player 1" moves to "Controller 2". And sometimes control moves from one controller to another (when it shouldn't) without user intervention. Additionally, all audio and feedback goes to the primary controller at all times even if a different controller is being used at the time. The only workaround is for everyone playing to use the same controller. It's seriously dumb. Perhaps we should all pitch in and purchase the EA developers a used PS3 and a copy of EA Sports Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14. If they could get it right 10 years ago there's no reason they shouldn't have gotten it right in 2023. Total clown show.
At this point I chalk this up to one of two things. Either utter greed or utter ignorance.
If it's utter greed, it's because they don't want more than one person in a household playing this game as their own character. They want everyone to spend the money to buy their own copy, thus they have blocked the ability for more than one person to complete challenges in the game.
If it's utter ignorance, it's because the team that created this probably weren't even with the company back when EA ruled the golf game world, thus they have no clue this was even a feature.
Either way, the deafening silence on the matter tells me we'll never see it. Time to move on to 2K23 which, guess what, allows you to create multiple golfers and use them against each other. Imagine that!
@cds1834I've found a work around for the controller issue ..
If the player who's turn it is loses control, hit the 'pause' button then 'resume' .. The person who hits pause will retake control.
For what it's work .. I don't think it's an intentional solution to the problem - but it is one that may help you too.
@Big_Marne wrote:@cds1834I've found a work around for the controller issue ..
If the player who's turn it is loses control, hit the 'pause' button then 'resume' .. The person who hits pause will retake control.
For what it's work .. I don't think it's an intentional solution to the problem - but it is one that may help you too.Foe ps5 we figured it out that all you do is pres O then it will allow other controller to be used. Atleast that's not a big issue anymore.
I don't see how hard it is to provide feedback on this. Was it missed out? Yes 100%, the issue is all the game Devs have grown up in a time of online gaming. Don't think they understand that people still blay in the same room, I mean that's insane to think that people actually want to play the game together in the same room. Get it on the road map EA and sort it out. No such thing as can't, we all payed for the game and want this return. Listen to your customers. They know best. Its just a case of player 1 is using their character. Player 2 logs in as their profile (that bit works as I see my profile pic on player 2) all my save data is synced to the cloud so no reason why I can't the play as my character, if your Dev team is struggling with this one maybe Chat GPT can help you out. 3 weeks should be more than enough to resolve.
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