Yeah, I mean $500 for a decent golf bag and I don't have anything special in there. It's now up to $90 a round before 3pm for my course, $75 after. Membership for a couple is closing to $5000 and counting... Nice thing is that it's getting easier and easier to get a tee off anytime we want again. On weekday, we can even just show up at the club and get on the course almost right away. Golf is definitely not mainstream these days, more like for people making good money.
For HB now 2K, all their games since TGC 2019 have been given away for free as Playstation game of the month at some point, that's how I got all of them and barely played any of them. As other have mentioned in the past, they all have the same feel to me as the original Golf Club and it's boring in no time. Still, I'm sure they all count as a new sale when somebody download them.
Anyway, it's all 2K from now on, at least until there's a new CEO at EA with another vision than to stick only with games played by millions of customers.