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113 Replies
Summarize your bug Not getting rewards for career mode.
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? I imagine you must check coding that deals with the issuance of rewards after a career mode event is completed.
What happens when the bug occurs? I don't get earned rewards.
What do you expect to see? I expect to get the rewards I have earned.
I have now played an entire season in the career mode of the game (third season), and I have received none of the tournament rewards that go with my achievements during the season.
Note - I have checked "Every time" for how often the bug occurs but this refers only to my third season on career mode. I started season three on 1st or 2nd of May. It is now the 7th and not one reward has appeared. Previous to that, all was well.
I'm not getting my rewards after completing challenges.
Platform:PlayStation 5
Summarize your bug Rewards tab missing and challenges not showing as complete until gone in and out of challenge menu a few times
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Look at top screen tab menu and see Rewards tab is missing
What happens when the bug occurs? No rewards so unable to access and collect rewards
What do you expect to see? To see and be able to select rewards menu
Platform:PlayStation 5
Summarize your bug Rewards tab missing and challenges not showing as complete until gone in and out of challenge menu a few times
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Look at top screen tab menu and see Rewards tab is missing
What happens when the bug occurs? No rewards so unable to access and collect rewards
What do you expect to see? To see and be able to select rewards menu
Rewards tab missing so unable to collect rewards. Also when completing a challenge does not show as complete until have closed and reopened challenges page a few times.
No rewards , no XP on anything , totally getting ripped off . Why charge so much in your proshop but don't give rewards on ANY part of this game ? This game is getting worse , definitely not better . At least in Rory we got paid for our efforts
I'm having this issue too. Multiple stars earned with multiple rewards earned. However, when I go to the main menu, the rewards tab isn't there for me to open the chests and collect the items.
Yeah reading about it looks like it has been an off and on issue since release. Very annoying.
Played the Gamepass trial. Loved the gameplay, and was dead set on purchasing, but there's no way I'm dishing out cash when fundamental pieces are missing from a foundational game mode. Can't collect any of the rewards that are essential to created character progression? Hard pass, guys. Be better.
I've never had this issue myself but I do always close the game at the end of each session before switching my console off (options -> Close game on the PS5 home screen). I've seen elsewhere people talking about closing the game helping, although this may be more on PC and XBOX. Something to try if you haven't though.
For info. I just routinely do this for all games. I did it from new with my PS5 due to early concerns over not doing so, although potentially more so if using Rest Mode. Overall though I think it can help reduce some chances of game issues so I've just stuck with it.
Same problem for me. This is getting ridiculous EA. No wonder noone plays your * games with all these reoccurring issues. Please fix asap and make sure its fixed for good and give us our rewards we earned. This isnt even fun anymore
it's beyond ridiculous. i don't understand why it's still an ongoing issue. i will say the last time it happened i did receive my rewards two days later, but this time it's already been two and still nothing. before i bought the game i read some encouraging comments about fixes and additions they were making that the community wanted. it actually had me thinking EA was turning over a new leaf, obviously not.
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