@EA_Illium wrote:
Hi @RodSirloin
Thanks for taking a moment to share feedback on the recent thread change.
To confirm Community Managers here on Answers HQ will do a variety of changes to posts as needed across AHQ. This can include post titles, post text, where posts were made, merging posts together, and from time to time removing posts if need be.
Your post is still public and can be accessed by anyone on AHQ to read and reply to, and was even called out in our latest Community Newsletter.
From here feel free to continue using the thread to discuss putting or make a new post for any additional feedback you might have on EA Sports PGA Tour.
As needed...what was needed?
There is nothing wrong with my post title, why change it to make it sound like something it's not?
I'm 100% unsatisfied with how putting was changed and want my topic to reflect that. By you changing my topic to something that doesn't reflect my feelings isn't fair and unwarranted. Your title makes it sound like I'm merely discussing changes, not dissatisfaction.
Nothing gets done if nobody complains and I want my topic to sound like a complaint, not a chill illusion of discussion. Rememeber when Star Wars Battlefront II had 400k Reddit downvotes and got loot crates removed, devaluing EA by $3B? Things get done by complaining.
I love this game and just want putting to be like it was. What's been done to putting is removing reasonable skill and adding a mishit factor skills that cannot overcome. This takes skill away from top players giving lesser players a chance. That's wrong and should not be implemented in this game. I spend a lot of time perfecting my skills.